Questions tagged [duplication]

181 questions
1 answer

Python class instances are duplicating attributes

Relatively new to OOP, just messing around trying to make an NPC class for a game that should generate different instances of NPC's based on random values unless specified. Just proof-of-concept really. However the age, gender and race attributes…
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2 answers

Code duplication issue inside an if

I have a code duplication that I want to avoid but I cannot create a method containing the code because there is a slight difference in a line inside an if. Here's what I mean : Code 1 : If case1 () { same code if() { same code …
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1 answer

Dealing with duplication between unit and integration tests

I have an algorithm implemented by a number of classes, all covered by unit test. I would like to refactor it, which will change behavior of two classes. When I change one class and its tests, all unit tests pass, though the algorithm becomes…
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2 answers

Check if a dialog/widget/window still open to prevent the duplication

How to prevent open a window many times. See the following image: What I want is if the window still open does not open the same window once again except after closure the open window. Finally, the code: void Widget::on_search_btn_clicked(){ …
Lion King
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1 answer

Duplicate Magento Store View

I have a Magento with many Store Views, one for every language. Every Store View has custom settings (preferences, attribute and categories translations...) that differs from the default store values. If I create a new Store View, the newly one uses…
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0 answers

Removing duplicate chess games and then storing unique games in Postgresql

I have a very large number of chess games(around 5 million) stored in several pgn files(portable game notation). If you aren't familiar with PGN, the result will basically be a csv file when parsed, with several fields containing info about the…
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5 answers

What is the best way to apply these changes to an object without duplicating code?

I am trying update a number of properties of one object from another and I wind up repeating this same code over and over again (i am showing an example with Name and LastName but i have 15 other properties with similar code). But its important to…
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2 answers

SONAR: config duplicate line for java project

Maybe it is a stupid question, but I cannot find out where can I config the minimal lines of code for duplication check in SONAR. In project settings there is only a switch to turn on cross project check. Any ideas? B.R.
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2 answers

How to duplicate current process?

What's the easiest way to duplicate the current process, to spawn another instance in Windows? I know Linux has fork(), but all I need is to run main in the same process again, probably using CreateProcess() with the correct arguments.
Jonas Byström
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1 answer

INSERT SELECT query when one column is unique

I need to call INSERT + SELECT to import user data to different table and I need to filter user_name duplications, So I need something like this: INSERT INTO new_table SELECT email, distinct user_name, password from old_table but distinct works…
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3 answers

how to check if array has a duplicated values?

I'm making a small userControl library that searches for active server on a specific port [LAN]. I'm using [.Net 4.0] TCP sockets (IPV4) so first i get the IPAddresses of my computer from : string sHostName = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry ipE =…
Murhaf Sousli
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2 answers

how to avoid this duplicate code using templates in C++

I would like to eliminate duplicity of code in this problem: class PopulationMember { public: vector x_; vector y_; } class Population { vector members_; void doComputationforX_1(); // uses the…
Martin Drozdik
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1 answer

ASP.NET with disabled button having duplicate postbacks

I have an page that allows credit card information and a payment amount to be entered to authorize a payment. All of the sudden about 2 weeks ago, we started getting reports of double charges but we had not made any changes to the page. The…
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2 answers

Eliminate duplicate code that builds similar copies of the same object

I have two classes that both build an object, and at the moment there is duplicate code in both these classes, e.g this code exists in class 1: new Object("a", "b", "c"); Only one of the arguments to the constructor varies. So this code exists in…
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2 answers

Facebook post being duplicated multiple times on a page

I have an article posted on a Facebook Page. However the article seems to keep reposting itself on the page at random intervals. Sometimes this will happen 3 or 4 times in a single day, and sometimes it won't happen at all. The post doesn't say it's…
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