Questions tagged [dts]

Data Transformation Services, or DTS, is a set of objects and utilities to allow the automation of extract, transform and load operations to or from a database. The objects are DTS packages and their components, and the utilities are called DTS tools. DTS was included with earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server, and was almost always used with SQL Server databases, although it could be used independently with other databases.

Data Transformation Services, or DTS, is a set of objects and utilities to allow the automation of extract, transform and load operations to or from a database. The objects are DTS packages and their components, and the utilities are called DTS tools. DTS was included with earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server, and was almost always used with SQL Server databases, although it could be used independently with other databases.

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348 questions
2 answers

How to remove or delete a .txt file on SQL Server using DTS Package?

What i wanted to achieve is to use DTS Package to remove a .txt file on a scheduled basis in order for another package to pick it up which in this case im using SSIS as a next step, it's just that i dont know how to delete a text file using DTS…
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Importing Text File to Database Causes Out of Space Error

When I try to import Text File into SQL Server 2000 using DTS, it gives me the following error Not enough storage available to complete this operation Any suggestions?
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DTS for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

What did Microsoft rename DTS to for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? Where is the download link to the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition DTS utility? i've been searching for half an hour, and i can't find a definitive answer. i need to import data…
Ian Boyd
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how to export header and data from separate tables while creating SSIS package

I have two tables in my database i.e. Columns and Data. Data in these tables are like: Columns: ID Name Data: 1 John 2 Steve Now I want to create a package which will create a csv file like: ID NAME ------------ 1 John 2 …
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SSIS config file at runtime

I want to execute an SSIS package as a child from another SSIS package. I have setup two configurations in the child package; one of them is a Parent Package Variable, and one is an XML Configuration File. In my parent package, I need to make use…
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What are the security risks using cmdexec?

We are in the process of migrating from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. We have hundreds of DTS pacakges, that the development team is reluctant to redevelop using SSIS. When migrating these packages to SSIS, I am faced with a problem - many of these…
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Import data from Excel to Master detail tables in SQL Server

I have an excel sheet that has Four Columns SaleID, SaleDate,PersonID, ProductID, SaleQuantity,UnitRate I want to import this data in one to many relation table such that each person sale should be recorded saparately. My tables are as follows Sale…
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why can not i see onerror event in dbo.sysssislog table

I have run an ssis package and got error in one of the tasks(the task is inside a sequence container).But when I checked the msdb sysssislog table i could not see any ONERROR event(ONERROR) over there.let me know what might be the reason.Please be…
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How to compare DTSs in SQL Server 2005

Once your databases are converted from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005, is there any way to compare DTSs on two servers to see if they are still essentially the same? I need to see if my dev and prod are the same, and comparing them manually is…
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1 answer

DTS Connections Error

I'm receiving this error while attempting to execute a package: "The connection is currently being used by a task. The connection cannot be closed or reused." Any ideas?
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> [OLE DB Source [113]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "msAccess" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted …
3 answers

Move data accross SQL Servers with DTS packages or linked servers

We are using SQL Server 2000 and have to move data across servers to store it in a central database. We would rather not use DTS packages because we will move to SQL Server 2005 soon, and we don't want to have to upgrade to SSIS or have to support…
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How to save DTS package on windows with SQL Server 2008?

I installed SQL Server 2008 standard on windows 7. Then I can run legacy DTS package wizard from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\DTSWizard.exe. I tried to export for this case. At the end of the wizard, I want to save DTS…
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1 answer

Visual Basic Time Variable for DTS packages

I am converting some DTS packages over from Visual Basic to C# and am wondering what @OldDate the following would produce. I am not a VB.NET guy and really do not have the time to play around with this..and it has to be correct so I am reaching out…
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1 answer

How to log out SSIS package information in c#

I have managed to get my application to run my test SSIS package but I want to be able to retrieve information that it returned I.E Time spent to run etc. Here is how I am executing the package: //EXECUTES THE…
Ben Clarke
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