Questions tagged [drupal-6]

Drupal 6 is the Drupal version released on February 13, 2008. Rather than using this tag, consider posting your question directly on

Drupal 6 is the Drupal version released on February 13, 2008.
It will be officially supported until Drupal 8 has reached its first official release. After that bugs and security issues will no be longer be fixed for Drupal 6.

See for more information about Drupal.


  • Web server: Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS
  • Database server: MySQL 4.1 or higher, PostgreSQL 7.1
  • PHP: PHP 4.4.0 or higher (5.3 recommended)

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3665 questions
0 answers

Drupal 6 Chart module doesn't show up legends and its associated colors

I'm using Drupal 6 chart module with google plugin. My graph type is pie3d. I'm unable to set legends and color associations to these legends. $chart = array( '#plugin' => 'google', '#type' => 'pie3D', // Display a 3D…
Anup Tilak
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1 answer

PHP for Drupal Views theming

I am theming a View in Drupal 6, and I want to add an id with a consecutive number to each item in the view (first item would have the id #item1, the second #item2, etc). I am customizing the style output (views-view-unformatted--MYVIEWNAME.tpl.php)…
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drupal_get_form is not passing along node array

I have not been able to get drupal_get_form to pass on the node data. Code snippets are below. The drupal_get_form documentation ( states that it will pass on the extra parameters. I am basing the node data not being passed because…
1 answer

Add image gallery to node in Drupal

I'm using Image module for Drupal 6 and the submodule of Image Gallery. Image gallery is identified by taxonomy term of certain vocabulary. What I need is to attach Image Gallery View supplied with Image Gallery to certain node. I am now trying to…
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Drupal 6: creating location list manually or dynamically via cms

I'm starting my first Drupal project, pretty excited :) I have a question; the project is a hotel directory site. at sidebar I have locations list (London, Manchester, Liverpool, etc..) and filter the hotels related on location click. So, how…
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Can CCK take care of my fields for a programatically defined node type in drupal?

Does the CCK api allow me to create a node type, from a custom module, with a bunch of fields that use CCK to store their state? If so can these fields be locked so that users may not alter them, but still allow the user to add more fields to the…
Steven Noble
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0 answers

Drupal 6 datepicker, blocking out weekends and certain holidays

A friend of mine has a Drupal 6 site where users are able to select a future date for a delivery. Recently, several customers have been selecting weekends and holidays for delivery dates, and my friend would like to prevent them from doing so. This…
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1 answer

How do I display a view as if it's the front page via a module?

I have a simple view that feeds a home page. I have a custom module that registers some specific URLs in hook_menu that I pass into my module so I can pass them as arguments into the view. I can get the module to display the view all right, but it…
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1 answer

Drupal, Lightbox: cannot edit the content inside

I'm using Drupal and Lightbox module to display the content of articles in this website: if you click on an article the lightbox is displayed. However I have 2 problems with it: 1) I cannot use the libraries such as the…
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1 answer

Relationships via Email Rather Than User List

I'm new at Drupal, so I may have missed a solution despite a lot of research: I want users to be able to invite non-users and other users into a named relationship they've set up (using e.g. the Friendlist or User Relationships module) using only…
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1 answer

How to Translate Template Strings in Drupal 6

I have some strings in my theme/template and I was hoping to translate them with t(), but they don't appear in /admin/build/translate/search. I could do it in PHP code and make my own function, but is this "the right way"?
1 answer

Drupal 6: set pager_query() to display last page of query?

Does anyone here know how to set up a pager_query() to automatically go to the last page of the query when the page is displayed? I'm using theme_pager() to format the page.
Michael D
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3 answers

Getting altered form values in drupal

I created one module in drupal name as newmodule.I use form alter to alter user registration form for adding one field location.When i submit the form, how i can get the value of the new field which i created .
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1 answer

Drupal: can I manually place files in my "files" folder?

I'm adding some pictures to my Drupal files folder. I was wondering if Drupal remove the files not connected to any node as scheduling routine, from the files folder. In other terms, I was wondering if I can place files into the "files" folder or if…
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2 answers

Context module for block visibility

I have a site built in Drupal 6 that requires a number of blocks that are only visible to certain roles or on specific pages. Normally, I would use the block configuration settings to control page and role visibility. However I recently ran across…
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