Questions tagged [dropwizard]

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Developed by Yammer to power their JVM-based backend services, Dropwizard pulls together stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem into a simple, light-weight package that lets you focus on getting things done.

Dropwizard has out-of-the-box support for sophisticated configuration, application metrics, logging, operational tools, and much more, allowing you and your team to ship a production-quality HTTP+JSON web service in the shortest time possible.

Integration with many well-established libraries, frameworks and technologies is provided with additional official modules and community supported modules.

1905 questions
0 answers

Inject HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest on ContainerResponseFilter using dropwizard

I have been developing a project with dropwizard-guicey, Rignt now I'm setting up a security project and they have something like this: @Provider public class CorsFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter{ @Context private…
Daniel F Jaramillo
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1 answer

Implementing a Java Annotation in Kotlin

I am implementing the dropwizard example application in Kotlin and have an issue implementing the DateRequiredFeature. The Java code code is as follows: @Provider public class DateRequiredFeature implements DynamicFeature { …
David Soroko
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1 answer

ElementCollection returning Null in JSON response

I have the following declaration of elementCollection In class MyMainClass @Entity @Table(name = "MyMainClass") referencedColumnName="id")) @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery( name = "=findAll", query = "SELECT s FROM MyMainClass…
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1 answer

Hibernate Validator validate set

I have custom validation annotation called @Role and I have custom validator which validates User and it works. Problem is when I want to use this validator on Set to validate every element on this set like this public class Project { //…
1 answer

Issue inserting localdate type field using JDBI

I am currently using JDBI to persist my POJO into my database. I am using MS SQL Server as my database. I am currently not able to insert a row into the table because of an issue with mapping no value for LocalDate variable. scoreDate field is…
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2 answers

Jersey 2.x - Conflicting route priority of PUT and GET

I'm working with Dropwizard, which uses Jersey internally. I have two methods on a controller: PUT /garbage/[id1,id2,...idN] is intended to take a path parameter that's a list of numeric IDs representing resources to be updated. I'm using a…
Chase T
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1 answer

Dropwizard custom AppenderFactory not recognized

I'm trying to implement a custom AppenderFactory for Splunk HTTP Event Collector. I wrote a simple class as follows, package; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent; import…
Milindu Sanoj Kumarage
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1 answer

What metrics-core does Dropwizard uses by default?

I've been trying to figure out MetricRegistry details for one of my project based out on dropwizard:1.1.0 A minor confusion here is that I see the version used for localhost:8181/metrics (adminConnector) by my service is 3.1.3 which is not the…
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3 answers

Post json to external api

I've just started using Drropwizard and want submit json data to POST method. @POST @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String newPost(){ Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); String input…
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2 answers

Calling external API from dropwizard

I'm pretty new to Dropwizard and learning it (and API development in general). I'm looking at Dropwizard to build an API which should call another API at somepoint. More precisely, I have a json/yaml file which I'll convert it another json file…
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0 answers

Hibernate entity classes getters returning null after setting value

I have a hibernate entity class public class MyComplexClass implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) Long id; String name; int…
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1 answer

Unknown mappedBy in hibernate OneToOne relationship

This is yet another question on the unknown mappedBy exception thrown by Hibernate while create a OneToOne relationship between two objects. From my understanding a mappedBy is required in one of the two objects to state that the tables are joined…
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0 answers

Java Dropwizard : Unable to import CSS / JS in html file when deployed on server

I have just built an api using dropwizard framework. It's my first time working with dropwizard and have descent understanding about spring. I am not an expert when it comes to front-end related stuff. I am experiencing an issue and is unable…
1 answer

Dropwizard Counter Not Retaining value in Spring Boot App

I am trying to register the # of spring boot apps I've in my pvt cloud environment. Logic is to use Counter metric to increment during startUp and decrement during shut down. All the different deployments will publish to the same…
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0 answers

apache spark: what is the best way to run initialization script upon instantiating a new executor

I am using a custom dropwizard metrics source and reporter. Everything works great when I invoke metrics directly but not through metrics-annotations. In the code below calls to testTimer works without requiring to register the source with Spark…
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