Questions tagged [drb]

dRuby (drb) is a distributed object system for Ruby.

dRuby (drb) is a distributed object system for Ruby.

It is written in pure Ruby and uses its own protocol. No add-in services are needed beyond those provided by the Ruby runtime, such as TCP sockets. It does not rely on or interoperate with other distributed object systems such as CORBA, RMI, or .NET.

35 questions
0 answers

Ruby Constantly consume external API and share output across processes

I'm writing trading bot on ruby and I need to constantly do some calculations based on Exchange's orderbook depth data across several daemons (daemons gem). The problem is that right now I'm fetching data via Exchange's API separately in each…
Ilya Cherevkov
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1 answer

DRb -- Marshal via JSON to accommodate a non-ruby remote object

I need communication between a couple of process types, most of which will be ruby processes, but a very important process type I'll need to communicate with will be a python process. I came across DRb and I think it might be suitable for that as an…
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1 answer

Accessing network from Ruboto

I'm trying to use Ruby-DRb-Messages from Android with Ruboto. I ran into a problem acessing network from Ruboto and did not find any example or documentation to solve this issue. This is my example (I used Ruboto QuickStartActivity and tried to add…
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2 answers

Ruby connection closed (DRb::DRbConnError)

I am experiencing a really weird behaviour with Ruby DRb or maybe the problem is dbm. I am using the dbm database with a server, and a client that makes the requests via DRb. Here's the method with the problem (the database connection is ok) and it…
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0 answers

Sending data from server to client ruby drb

I'm trying to make a simple chatroom for 2 users in the same local network. The idea is one of them can be a host and other one a client here is a little example server.rb: class ChatSerwer def chat( msg) puts msg; end def ChatSerwer.Run …
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Error in druby when reading files

I'm using dRuby and i'm trying to read a file in this way: SERVER'S CODE: require 'drb/drb' URI="druby://" class TimeServer def leer(nombre) puts nombre lines = [], "r") do |file| …
0 answers

How secure is DRb with $SAFE = 1?

I'm writing a program that will have decentralized nodes that connect to each other. Any node can (and should) connect to any other node, so every connection is considered to be untrusted. I've been considering using DRb with $SAFE set to 1, but I…
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6 answers

Is there any Python module similar to Distributed Ruby

I am new to Python. Just want to know is there any module in python similar to ruby's drb? Like a client can use object provided by the drb server?
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1 answer

Create simplest chat system with ruby DRb only

I just learned DRb and made a chat system with it. Here're the codes: Terminal 1: require 'drb' class A def A.my_add(line, from) puts from + ': ' + line end end DRb.start_service('druby://', A) B =…
0 answers

Is DRb.start_service thread-safe?

I have an issue attemping to do DRb.start_service from 3 separate forked processes, is DRb.start_service thread/process-safe? Out of the 3 processes, 2 start DRb servers fine, the 3rd hangs forever at the DRb.start_service line, I would like to know…
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0 answers

What are the main differences between using DRb and TCPSocket for distributed Ruby programs?

If I wanted to create a multi-process client-server type of system where a Ruby program is the client and another Ruby program is the server, what are the important factors when deciding whether to implement this with DRb vs TCPSocket? Both seem to…
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1 answer

RSpec with jruby- NoMethodError: undefined method `read_all' for nil:NilClass when using --drb with spork

Afer adding --drb to the .rspec file, I am getting the following error with spork running. I am using jruby-1.6.7 on mac $ jruby -S rspec NoMethodError: undefined method `read_all' for nil:NilClass method_missing at…
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2 answers

Getting spork to work with Ruby 1.9.2/3 + Rails 3.1 + Rspec?

There's quite a few solid tutorials out there, and I haven't had too much trouble getting this working in the past. But, after hours of trying, I must be missing something. I've completed the standard installation instructions, and started up the…
Cory Schires
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1 answer

How to implement remoting in Ruby over a proxy server?

We're looking at using Ruby for a client-server (non-web based) project where both the client and server would be written in JRuby. The client (Windows) would sit behind a corporate firewall with a proxy server and the server would sit out in the…
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1 answer

Multiple servers in only one TupleSpace in DRb (Ruby)

guys! I'm thinking in to run each server in one computer and to do all clients find themselves. Is there a way to run multiple servers with DRb? If not, how can I do my clients (one in each computer too) see all the servers in my network? I'm…
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