Questions tagged [draw]

A tag for questions about methods of displaying graphical data or images.

3343 questions
1 answer

How to start a Cocos2D Scene when pushing a UIViewController

I'm working on a project for iOS 5 and 6, iPad 3. My problem is that I need to draw something with Cocos2D in a scene, but it doesn't work. I'm starting to code in AppDelegate - setting a rootViewController (MainViewController) In this…
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Using CATiledLayer to display a large image that has been programmatically split into tiles

I'm running into an issue with using CATiledLayer... I have a large image, a map, that is 4726 x 2701. Basically I'm needing to break this image into tiles and be able to zoom in to view a lot of detail, but also be able to zoom all the way out and…
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JFrame doesnt draw any figures, if startet from other JFrame

I'm pretty new to Java (C# programmer) and I have here a problem that I dont understand. Sorry for the crappy english. =) I'm working on a simple Snake game, I have different classes, enums etc.. My problem is, if I call the JFrame with the game…
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How to update a surfaceview encapsulated in a Framelayout?

i have a surfaceview update problem. I would like to create a lightweight augmented reality app, so i made a framelayout with camerapreview in the back, and an extended surfaceview on the front. alParent = new FrameLayout(this); …
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Allegro 5 drawing to buffer

I am making a program that will draw balls bouncing around the screen. I am currently working on the part that draws the balls. My code consists of the following: BallEngine Class - Manage all the Allegro functions/objects BallManager Class -…
Luke Cauthen
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How do i Draw on a Frame in Qt?

Ok so i have created my UI with the drag and drop part of Qt and in the Ui i created a "Tab Widget" inside another "Tab Widget". Now, inside the second Tab Widget i created a Frame My Question is, how do i draw on top of this frame in Qt? i tried…
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Android Maps, drawing in Overlay constructor

I have a path() which is created from a json object. I pass the JSON object to my overlay object in my constructor. Objects that extend Overlay always call draw() any time the map is moved, rendered, touched, anything. Even if your overlay isn't…
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MapView: draw line on route

I'am trying to draw a route on google's MapView. but my line is not drawed on the streets like this in screenshot I've used this code: GeoPoint gp1; GeoPoint gp2 = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); …
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How do I add and not repaint drawings in a JApplet in java?

How do I add a drawing ii a Japplet and not replace it with a new one? I am using repaint() but all it does is replace my existing rectangle. What would be the right codes to add another rectangle and not replace it? Say I have this code: ( This…
Ma Rk Vilches
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MFC: How to draw in a static text

I try to draw in a static text control named IDC_RESULT.When I click the OK button, the static text will display different picture according to the shape I selected.So I declare three bool variable: isLine ,is Rect and isEllipse, everytime when I…
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How to draw custom polygon in libgdx?

How to draw custom polygon from vertices in libgdx? I want to draw any box2d bodies.
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android draw paint on map not visible in ICS but works in GB

I`m using some code found on google (or perhaps here, not sure), to fetch two points and place them on map, together with route between them. This code is based on JSON parsing and it works pefrectly when tested on my phone running GB 2.3. On…
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Android Drawing bitmap and button on canvas by X Y Positions

i'm new into android and i have some problems with my app. Any help will be appreciated :) I have drawing bitmap on canvas by xpositon and ypostion by sensors (when i'm moving my phone, bitmaps are moving ) I need to create moving clickable button…
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How does the computer draw a letter?

I'm interested in creating a program capable of recognition of numbers, letters, symbols from an image. But first off, I went ahead and started to think about: How your system displays a letter? There are so many fonts, font-sizes and other…
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To locate points as initialization of GVF snakes

I want to detect several shapes around a reference shape. The centroids point of the reference shape is already determined. Basically the position of the surrounding shapes are almost fix in terms of angle. How do I locate points into the…
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