Questions tagged [dotnet-cli]

For use of questions about the .NET Core command line tool-chain. This does not relate to dnx, dvnm, dnu or any of the previous tools build with .NET Core.

The .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform toolchain for developing .NET applications.


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349 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to add/remove a gRPC Service Reference via dotNet CLI

To create a gRPC service contract client I currently go into Visual Studio and click Add-ServiceReference then follow the steps to point to may protofile and finally generate the client service contract class that I can new up in a client…
John Kears
  • 181
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1 answer

Can I use dotnet publish command to build .NET Framework applications?

I'm in the process of moving to .NET Core. In the mean time, I have two sets of apps - some using .NET Core 3.1 and the rest the full .NET Framework 4.6.2. Also, I'm trying to make a build script to build all apps with one command. But dotnet…
Milad Tabrizi
  • 430
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  • 12
1 answer

Moving project to another directory causes missing view

I created a project with the dotnet cli and everything worked up until the time I wanted to write tests for the app. I created a src directory and moved the entire web project to the src folder after which I created the test project in a folder…
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