Questions tagged [dokku]

Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash

Docker powered mini-Heroku. The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen. More information and sources on

439 questions
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dokku/dokker can not access to local host

I am using Dokku (and not an expert in Docker). Everything works fine, except that I can not access to one of my web service from the docker container: a time out is generated. The exact same code works fine from a different machine, accessing…
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How to install only single dokku plugin?

I am trying to add a dokku plugin, but when I run plugins-install it tries to somehow re-install ngingx plugin which fails and it doesn't seem like I can install a single plugin. I've read about pluginhook, but I don't seem to be able to find a way…
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Add Seeds file after Dokku build

I am using dokku-alot to deploy my Rails 4 app to my staging server and everything is working just swell. One requirement I have with my current project is in regards to seed file data. I've had to keep my seeds.rb file out of version control…
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How to use other buildpacks with dokku-alt

I installed dokku-alt from the github repo, with the instructions provided, at a digital ocean droplet. I was able to run a node app and a python app, BUT I'm interested using Shiny Buildpack with dokku-alt to deploy Shiny Apps. I already read the…
Flavio Barros
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Digital Ocean and Dokku plus Play had to use 2gb RAM Machine

So i recently installed a play application using Dokku on Digital Ocean following the tutorial provided. The only issue was i kept getting an error when pushing to the server saying i didnt have enough memory to compile the app. I ended up having to…
2 answers

Is Jenkins and Dokku more or less the same?

I have seen Jenkins being used as CI for Docker containers. Is Dokku also a CI platform like Jenkins? If, what is the difference when I want to do CI with Docker containers for a PHP application?
Jasmine Lognnes
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dokku-alt postgres superuser

I am trying to use dokku-alt ( to provision a VPS for a Rails App (Ruby 2.1.3, Rails 4.1.2), but my app uses a Postgres extension (pg_trgm). Unfortunately dokku-alt doesn't currently support the admin_console…
David A
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How to set the root application directory?

I have created my first droplet, but I don't know how to set the root application directory? I tried to create a folder for my app name in /home/dokku/app_name Then, I did cd app_name and then git init Then I added a remote repo: git remote add…
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Using phpseclib with a custom shell wrapper

I am using PHPSeclib to access server with dokku-alt installed: By following a typical example, I manage to send commands to a custom shell on my account: $ssh=$this->connect(); echo…
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Dokku: Prevent rogue domain from getting served by nginx

I have a simple Rails application running in a Dokku instance. I have my own domain pointing to it, but I also found there is a rogue domain pointing to my server. The rogue domain gets also served by my Dokku based application. Guestion: How can I…
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How to automate database deployments?

I am using Dokku for simple git-based deployment for a Flask webapp on DigitalOcean. The postgres database schema is being updated as we develop, since our product relies heavily on pre-processed backend analysis, but there are no user-initiated…
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Docker - see where things are installed, with dokku

I'm using docker with dokku. Trying to debug issue with Is it possible to see and check content of docker container? vagrant@dokku:~$ dokku logs -t /app/.profile.d/config_vars: line 3:…
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Dokku .profile.d folder, scripts not executing

I cannot get bash scripts to run in the .profile.d folder. This seems like it should be very straight forward but I'm not having any luck. I have a .profile.d folder in the root of my application. In it I have one script which builds ffmpeg from…
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How to debug: Unable to connect to database from inside a Docker container

I'm a relative noob w.r.t. many of the moving parts on the system that I'm working on, and so please pardon me for a lack of understanding in places. My question here is more about asking for debugging strategies rather than asking for a solution to…
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400 Bad Request error with asp .net core hosted with Dokku on DigitalOcean

I have problem with my asp .net core web api. I set up authorization with jwt. Everything works perfectly on localhost. When I upload to Dokku I am unable to send POST to server, I am getting 400. Here is my nginx config which is generated from…
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