Questions tagged [django-comments]

Django used to include a simple comments framework. Since Django 1.6, it's been separated to a separate project, use this tag for both. This framework can be used to attach comments to any model, so you can use it for comments on blog entries, photos, book chapters, or anything else.

Django used to include a simple, yet customizable comments framework. Since Django 1.6, it's been separated to a separate project, use this tag for both.

Comments are all "attached" to some parent object. This can be any instance of a Django model.

The primary interaction with the comment system is through a series of template tags that let you embed comments and generate forms for your users to post them.


191 questions
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A user with no email can't post a comment using Django's comments framework

I have overrode the comments framework's form.html template with my own {% load comments i18n %}
{% csrf_token %}
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How does get_comment_permalink in Django's comments framework work?

I don't really understand get_comment_permalink in Django's comments framework. I created a few comments for my class Order using Django's comments, by default it shows a url of something like /comments/cr/18/1/#c1 and that url never exists. I…
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Django comments app, getting content type

I am trying to create a comments application to use it everywhere where I need it, so I geuss I have to use ContentType to attach comments to different models of my project. so here: my model: class Comment(models.Model): user =…
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how to make django comment model field Site not required

I'm using django-threadedcomments from ericflo on github. This app simply extends the native django comments framework. I am running into the same issue with both frameworks. I continue to get an error relating to mysql that site_id cannot be…
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Django notification on comment submission

I am making use of Django's contrib.comments and want to know the following. Are there any utils or app out there that can be plugged into an app that sends you a notification when a comment is posted on an item? I haven't really worked with signals…
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Struggling to get django_comments to work with Django REST Framework

I'm using Django REST Framework for the first time on a project and I'm struggling with one particular part. The project is an issue tracker-type applicaton and it uses django_comments to allow for comments on issues. I'm now building an API on top…
2 answers

django: How to make django comments not public by default

Using django comments framework Not sure is there option, to make all comments non private before they passed moderation... Looks like all my comments are added to site, just after being…
Oleg Tarasenko
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4 answers

Django 1.1 - comments - 'render_comment_form' returns TemplateSyntaxError

I want to simply render a built-in comment form in a template, using Django's builtin commenting module, but this returns a TemplateSyntaxError Exception. I need help debugging this error, please, because after googling and using the Django API…
Kenny Meyer
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1 answer

WSGIRequest error using django_model_comments

Sorry to post yet another question related to the error: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'find' But I really can't find the answer anywhere. I'm trying to use the django_model_comments app, which extends django's included comment app. Did…
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1 answer

Django Comment, append symbol to the url comment?

im using the comment system, now, i would like to re-write the segment form the url comment and append a symbol #, i want to move the page seccion to the comment list exactly to the last comment user with username Im…
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Django's comments framework and CSRF

I understand that the Django's comments framework was designed for anonymous public comments like you commonly see below a blog or an artcile. In other words, anyone can post comments. I am using the comments framework for only allowing logged in…
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Django get_comment_list returns empty list

I've been pulling my hair out over this and can't figure out what's going on. In my view I can do this: from django.contrib.comments import Comment ... context['comments'] = Comment.objects.filter(object_pk = self.kwargs['pk']) ... Then in my…
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How to provide a delete button for django built in comments framework

I am using django comment framework. It says it provides a lot of functionality, and I can also see in the source files that there are various options, but the documentation is a bit poor. There are two issues I want to provide a delete button for…
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How does django comment framework's anti-spoofing work?

In django comment framework, the CommentSecurityForm contains a 'timestamp' and a 'security_hash' field for the purpose of 'anti-spoofing', besides the commonly used CSRF toekn. What safety value does it have? I need to make a form with generic…
Xun Yang
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What is the cleanest/simplest way to paginate django comments?

Using Django's built in comment framework what is the cleanest/simplest way to the paginate comments?
Chris Herring
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