Questions tagged [distribution]

This tag concerns statistical distributions, their implementations, and properties.

In scientific software for statistical computing and graphics, many common statistical distributions are supported. See the documentation from ?Distribution. Additionally, the CRAN task review for distributions lists numerous packages for addition features.

2821 questions
3 answers

iPhone: determine distribution type programmatically for testing

At runtime in an iPhone app, is there a way to distinguish the distribution type programmatically between ad hoc and app store? Whenever I do an ad hoc distribution I want to target internal test servers for web service end points, then for the app…
1 answer

General Error Distribution

Do You know if it's available in Matlab a tool to estimate the moments of a GED distribution via maximum likelihood estimation? Thank you very much
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How to decide the on the shape of the Beta Distribution?

Suppose we toss a coin which is not fair. and the probability of success is 0.7. Is that enough to decide on the shape of it beta distribution ? what would be its shape then ? As far as I know, it's the probability of success that we map in the…
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3 answers

Is it possible to mass update multiple iPhone applications?

I'm not all that familiar with Apple's iPhone development system, but I'm trying to figure out if theres a way for developers who create custom iPhone apps to update their apps on a mass scale. For example, would a company who publishes hundreds of…
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1 answer

Revoking Distribution certificate for iPhone

If I revoke the distribution certificate for a iPhone app that is already in the App store, will it stop working for customers?
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1 answer

Distributing Items Evenly Across a Number of Days

I need to distribute a remainder of items over a fixed number of days. e.g. say I have 197 items and 75 days to distribute them over. If I display 2 items for 75 days then I have 47 items not displayed. How do I distribute the remaining 47 items…
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1 answer

Figuring out a frequency distribution for a vector of ints

I'm working on a project and I need to calculate the frequency distribution of a vector of ints that the user will type in. The distribution will be divided into 10 ranges. I just can't wrap my head around how to go through the vector properly and…
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R function pmvnorm: Why do values and errors differ every time I run this function with the same inputs?

In my understanding, pmvnorm in mvtnorm library is a function to compute the CDF over a multivariate normal distribution. So it is a deterministic function. However, I found that the results change every time I run this function with the same…
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Finding a distribution in R that describes data (qqPlot package conflict)

I have data generated by passing random values through an algorithm and I would like to get an idea of the distribution of the results. I have read the discussions regarding Anderson.Darling/Shapiro-Wilk, and QQPlots here and thus will consider…
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1 answer

How to define variables correctly in qt function in R

for the question: If T has the Student's t distribution with 5 degrees of freedom, find t so that 2*P(T > t) = 0.09 I basically tried all of the following and the answer is wrong. I am not yet really so connected with the R syntax and don't know how…
Mona Jalal
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2 answers

How to iteratively perform expand.grid in R

I am writing a piece of R code and got stuck. Background (which is not necessary for solving the problem): I am calculating the joint probability by multiplying independent marginal distributions. The marginal probability vectors are generated by…
Yue Y
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1 answer

I have seating arrangement/math issues

Its easier for me to describe this in sports terms... Let's say I have a league where players compete against each other in 2 teams of 2 with RANDOM partners. They will then play 3 games: Ex: Court 1 has players A, B, C, and D: ABvsCD then ACvsBD…
0 answers

How can I estimate density of target wind speed from daily weibull distributions for 13 years of large dataset

Good day, I want to create weibull distribution based on each day's wind speeds measured half hourly (48 wind speeds each day, sometimes few hours are missing). And then based on the weibull distribution, I want to calculate the density of a certain…
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1 answer

conditional normal distribution proportional to a joint density?

First of all, I am sorry if this is not the proper place to ask questions about statistics. I study Machine Learning so I wonder if there is a more appropriate website for this kind of questions. I only wonder why a conditional gaussian p(x1|x2) is…
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0 answers

Determine the distribution law of the vector (X,Y) in Matlab

I have generated 2 series of random numbers, that follow the normal distribution laws N(1,0.2^2) and N(2,0.1^2) using the following instructions: x=normrnd(1,0.2,10,1); y=normrnd(2,0.1,10,1); I have estimated their mu and sigma components…
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