Questions tagged [directory]

A directory or folder is a virtual container within a digital file system, in which groups of computer files and other directories can be kept and organized.

A directory or folder is a virtual container within a digital file system, in which groups of computer files and other directories can be kept and organized.

A typical file system may contain thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of directories. Files are kept organized by storing related files in the same directory. A directory contained inside another directory is called a subdirectory or child of that directory. Together, the directories form a hierarchy, or tree structure.


17729 questions
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How to create new folder with FolderPicker

Im missing the function to create a new folders by using the Folder-(or File)Picker in Windows 8 (Metro) Apps (C#, XAML). Background-Information: My app downloads some Images from a server and I would choose the destination-folder with the aid of…
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4 answers

In Winmerge, how can I compare folder structure alone (no file comparison)?

After years of backups and copying massive directories from one computer to another, I have a right royal mess. Duplicate finder software and winmerge want to get down and dirty by exploring individual files. Given the scale of the problem the…
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3 answers

Listing all files on my computer and sorting by size

Recently I've come into the problem that my hard drive is getting obnoxiously full, but after going through my personal files and deleting/moving all of the oversized video files, I still have a rather small amount of ROM available. So I put my…
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3 answers

PHP recursive folder scan into multi array (subfolders and files)

I'm a little bit lost here at the moment. My goal is to recursive scan a folder with subfolders and images in each subfolder, to get it into a multidimensional array and then to be able to parse each subfolder with its containing images. I have the…
Ben G
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1 answer

Concatenate two folder names

This should be easy enough, but I'm stuck on it for too much. How do I concatenate two folder names? For example: ws = r'C:\Temp' folder = "Test" I want to get a result of c:\Temp\Test but everything I do results in c:\TempTest. I can't use + "\"…
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1 answer

How do I force delete a folder being used by another process?

Possible Duplicate: How can I delete a file that is in use by another process? I have the following c# code but it throws an exception on the call to the Delete method: var dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\mydirectory\"); dir.Delete(true); The…
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1 answer

GoLang / Google App Engine - Directory structure

I started developing an app with GoLang & GAE but I am having a hard time finding out how to layout the files. This is how I keep my GoLang files organized so far (before using…
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2 answers

Most efficient way to traverse file structure Python

Is using os.walk in the way below the least time consuming way to recursively search through a folder and return all the files that end with .tnt? for root, dirs, files in os.walk('C:\\data'): print "Now in root %s" %root for f in files: …
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2 answers

PHP - Reading Directory vs Fetching from Database

my main reason is get an opinion over different options. I have files/thumbs in a directory which are associated with a video and when i have to get them i use glob() function glob(DIRECTORY./file_name*.jpg); and it returns an array of all JPG files…
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7 answers

C# How do I use Directory.GetFiles() to get files that have the same order as in Windows explorer?

Is is possible to get files that is ordered same as in Windows Explorer I know "natural sort", but it's not what I need, I need to get the file list ordered by the same attribute in Windows Explorer, for example: If I ordered a directory by the…
Shawn Lee
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5 answers

Python equivalent for sprintf

Does someone have a nice tip how to port tis PHP function to python? /** * converts id (media id) to the corresponding folder in the data-storage * eg: default mp3 file with id 120105 is stored in * /(storage root)/12/105/default.mp3 * if…
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4 answers

C# Copying a Folder to another destination with Security/Permission Settings

I am making a program where it could copy a Folder and Transfer it to another location, including the attribute, permissions, security settings. So Far I got the Attribution to work, but am having problems with the permissions/security settings.…
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2 answers

Safe way to read directory in Python

try: directoryListing = os.listdir(inputDirectory) #other code goes here, it iterates through the list of files in the directory except WindowsError as winErr: print("Directory error: " + str((winErr))) This works fine, and I have…
Ronald Dregan
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1 answer

Get chrome downloads folder

The default downloads folder in Windows 7 is c:\users\username\downloads for Chrome. But default downloads folder can be set to another folder through settings. I need to find out which folder is the downloads folder. So if I set the downloads…
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1 answer

PHP: Error thrown when including and requiring files

I tried to create a bootstrap file, but whenever I try to include or require it in another file an error like this keeps showing up: Warning: require_once(../folder/file.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory…
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