Questions tagged [direct3d]

Direct3D is a high-performance, COM-based API for accessing graphics hardware (GPUs) in a device-independent way on Microsoft platforms.

Direct3D is a high-performance, COM-based API for accessing graphics hardware (GPUs) in a device-independent way on Microsoft platforms.

It is typically used for video game development, in contrast to the OpenGL API, which is more often used in data visualization tasks.

There are several versions of the Direct3D API, each of which corresponding to a different generation of graphics hardware.

  • Direct3D 7 incorporated hardware-accelerated transformation and lighting (NVidia Geforce, ATi Radeon).
  • Direct3D 8 added limited support for programmable graphics hardware (pixel and vertex shaders) using a specially-designed shader assembler syntax (NVidia Geforce 3, ATi Radeon 8500).
  • Direct3D 9 greatly improved support for programmable shader hardware, allowing for fairly complex shader programs (NVidia Geforce FX, ATi Radeon 9500), as well as incorporating a high-level language for writing shader programs (HLSL, basically identical to NVidia Cg).
  • Direct3D 10 featured a completely restructured API while removing support for fixed-function hardware and assembler shader programs (NVidia Geforce 8). While previous versions of Direct3D were backwards-compatible, Direct3D 10 works only on capable hardware.
  • Direct3D 11 added support for different levels of graphics hardware functionality, unifying support for "modern" (fully-programmable) as well as "legacy" (fixed-function or partially-programmable) GPUs.

Microsoft's XBox game consoles' GPUs are programmed using a variant of Direct3D (a Direct3D 8 variant on the original XBox, and an improved Direct3D 9 variant on the XBox 360, with added support for some Direct3D 10 features such as tesselation).

More information at

1354 questions
1 answer

Full screen mode on dual desktop

I have an MFC application/dialog that goes into full-screen mode. I run it on a Windows 7 dual display with nVidia GT 330. I need to make it go-full screen on the second desktop (not primary display) from within the program, without any user input.…
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How to fallback to software rendering in Java3D?

We are having some weird problems using Java3D over a Windows' remote desktop. The remote machine is a virtualized server, which can't use the (physical) server's graphic card. When I run the app, the following error pops: Unable to create DirectX…
Bruno Kim
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0 answers

Under what circumstances does DirectX not paint over child windows of the window whose handle was passed to CreateDevice()?

There is an interesting behaviour of DirectX where it differs between the Windows implementation (DirectX 11) and the Wine implementation under Linux. In order to determine whether it is a bug in the Wine implementation or the program, I’d like to…
3 answers

Convert Direct3D C++ function to Delphi

I'm trying to convert this C++ Direct3D function to Delphi, but I'm with a trouble.. HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32) { if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0,…
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1 answer

D3D9 Alpha Blending on the surfaces

I have a surface (OffScreenPlain or RenderTarget with D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8) which I copy pixels (ARGB) to, from a third party function. Before pixel copying, Bits are accessed by LockRect. This surface is then StretchRect to the Backbuffer which is…
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1 answer

ID3D10Texture2D scroll contents

I am a novice user of DirectX technologies. How can I scroll a contents of ID3D10Texture2D? using bitblt. Something like BitBlt on GDI device context where src and dst hdc are the same. I have ID3D10Texture2D from IDXGISurface which scrolling is my…
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3 answers

Explanation of this code construction

I have code like this (it's declaration of interface functions which are implemented in DLL file - it's from book - Course PTR 3D Game Engine Programming): extern "C" { HRESULT CreateRenderDevice(HINSTANCE hDLL, ZFXRenderDevice **pInterface); …
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1 answer

Star Wars holographic effect in GLSL / HLSL shader

Does anybody have any idea how to implement Star Wars like holographic effect in HLSL / GLSL ?
Eli Ben-Ami
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1 answer

Cant open source file #include while in release mode

My program will open the above mentioned file in debug mode and compile fine but not in release mode. I have my lib directories as:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86" and my include as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft…
1 answer

CreateDIBSection returns inconsistent bitmap bit values for the same image

This is an extended question about CreateDIBSection. I used it to get the bitMap bit value of the same image which drawn using Direct3D, to verify its consistency of Direct3D rendering, i.e. as long as I get the same bitMap bit value every time I…
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1 answer

D3DXCompileShader strange errors when run outside of Visual Studio

I've got two questions really. The first is more a description of events: software uses DirectX 9 and compiles shaders at start-up from resources. The shaders compile fine with both debug and release versions when you run the software from…
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1 answer

0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000. c++

I'm having a very annoying issue for something I'm working on. I've tried numerous solutions and researching this error doesnt help solve my exact issue. Is anyone able to help? I've included my Overlay.cpp below... #include…
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Windows - Direct2d or Direct3d for isometric games (2.5D games)

I wanted to try and recreate a a small game that is no longer in development and I wanted to make sure I am learning the correct DirectX api. The game used sprites for all their animations if that helps. Would I learn direct2d or direct3d for a game…
Trevin Corkery
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1 answer

Does someone know of some fixed pipeline shader tutorial or samples?

I am making a game with 3d gamestudio a8 free edition. The free edition doesn't support shader, it only supports fixed pipeline shaders. There are some samples in the wiki of 3d gamestudio (click here) but I want to know of there are more samples…
Aaron de Windt
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1 answer

Memory leak in this situation with DirectX COM objects?

If I have a class or struct like this: bool localScopeFunc() { bool result; IDXGIFactory* pFactory; IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter; result = //Do something here with the objects if (!result) return false; result = //Do…
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