Questions tagged [dialogfragment]

An Android Fragment that displays a dialog window, floating on top of its activity's window.

444 questions
3 answers

DialogFragment shows onBack button press even if I remove it

I have used the following codes for showing and canceling dialogfragment : public static void showDialogFragment(FragmentManager fm,String type){ FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); MyDialogFragment prev =…
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1 answer

DialogFragment without animation

I have DialogFragment with slide up animation on show. After clicking a button in dialog I start another activity without dismissing my dialog. The problem is, every time I finish an acitivity, the animation runs on dialog. Is there any way to turn…
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How to dismiss a DialogFragment without going back to last item in stack

In trying to clean up code in an existing project and remove warnings about calling showDialog() in an Activity, I have moved a bunch of related dialogs which show up in a sequence into a new DialogFragment class. It's working OK, however when I…
Tim Rae
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1 answer

need help to create custom keypad INSIDE a dialogFragment. do not want system keyboard to pop out

i have created an XML and dialog fragment consist of Edittext and numeric buttons (keypad). i had searched alot but only found creating custom softkey solutions. my objective is very simple. i already had all the buttons created in XML. what should…
Eric Ong
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2 answers

Turn off click activity behind DialogFragment?

I can't cancel the click event of the buttons in the background when I open a dialog fragment. I'm trying to call the dialog fragment via a button in another fragment. public class DialogPaymentSuccessFragment extends DialogFragment { private View…
2 answers

Android DialogFragment newInstance optional parameters

I've been following the official android developer docu and this one for the use of DialogFragment inside my project. so far so good, since I have to pass data to the DialogFragment for it to create a multichoice list, I call the DialogFragment from…
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Android Fullscreen Fragment Dialog Background Clickable

I have fullscreen fragment dialog. While it is showing, background objects can be clickable or interact with user. how do i avoid this? Here is piece of code how i show dialog: FullScreenFrDialog fr = new…
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1 answer

cannot resolve symbol R Android DialogFragment

I would like create an AlertDialog with a custom XML layout, but in my class I can't found R variable, why ? This is my class : public class NewTestDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { public NewTestDialogFragment(){ super(); } …
John Doee
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2 answers

How to get data from SimpleDialogFragment to a Fragment?

I have a main class: public class MainFragment extends Fragment implements OnClickListener, OnMarkerClickListener {} I have a dialog class: public class PedirTaxiDialog extends SimpleDialogFragment implements OnClickListener{} For example: I…
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