Questions tagged [dialogflow-es]

Dialogflow ES is the "classic" version of Dialogflow from Google, providing a Natural Language Understanding system you can integrate with your programs, and allowing you to build simple conversational agents or chatbots for a variety of platforms using an API or web-based UI. For the more complicated flow-based tool from Google, see the dialogflow-cx tag. For specific issues writing webhook fulfillments, see the dialogflow-es-fulfillment tag.

Dialogflow ES is a basic Natural Language Understanding system that is suitable for small to medium and simple to moderately complex conversational agents. Intents are the building blocks of conversation design, and contexts are used to control conversation paths.

Formerly known as just "Dialogflow", and before that as "", Dialogflow ES consists of several components, including

  • An API that allows you to determine Intents from a text or spoken phrase
  • Some pre-built integrations with common chat or conversation platforms
  • An API and web-based UI that lets you build and manage the NLU model
  • The ability to apply business logic through webhook fulfillments

Questions specifically about the fulfillment webhook should be tagged .

There is a more advanced version, Dialogflow CX, which offers a more complicated conversation design model based around flows, and a more visual design tool. It is, however, completely incompatible with Diallogflow ES. Questions about Dialogflow CX should be tagged .

5234 questions
1 answer

What should I do to specify certain intent with dialogflow

I created 3intents. Intent:lost.password.weblogin Intent:lost.password.2step eg) user says: I forgot login password ->Intent:lost.password.weblogin user says: I forgot 2 step password ->Intent:lost.password.2step user…
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Best way for synonyms if data is stored outside dialogflow?

I want to create a chatbot. One of the intents is who-is which allows users to ask "Who is" for Arabic names to get information on a person. I have people stored in a database (firestore). I would like the user to say "Who is Saalih Uthaymeen?" But…
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How to write the Gmail authentication code in a DialogFlow fulfillment?

I am trying to build a Dialogflow intent to check the Gmail inbox which returns the messages in the user's mailbox. I read the Gmail API documentation to write the authentication code. During the authentication process, it's required to visit an…
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How to make use handover protocol to pass control from dialogflow bot to facebook inbox?

I want to pass control from my dialog flow bot to facebook inbox. I have set dialog flow as the primary receiver and page inbox as secondary. I have connected dialog flow-fb using one-click integration. When a certain intent is identified I make the…
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Can I REUSE the Dialogflow agent used in a Google Action for commercial purposes?

I would like to implement and publish my first Google Action. The application will guide you in choosing a particular product according to the user's answers. The action will have Dialogflow as a backend. is it allowed using the same DialogFlow…
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How to manage a customize for returning users in dialogflow fullfilment?

Following the design tips on action-on-google developer platform, I'm trying to give a custom welcome response for users who come back in a Google Assistant Voice app. To proceed, i started by…
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Dialogflow API HTTP Request to query Agent not working

Recently I've been having some problems using the Dialogflow API from a nodeJs server... So I have a chatbot GUI that sends HTTP requests to the dialogflow agent (using dialogflow API v1), and this one, based on the user query should send a…
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How do i make my Chatbot Message have some seconds of delay response in dialog flow?

I'm creating a chatbot for a Facebook page to solve people's questions and I wanted to make the bot messages 1 or 2 seconds of delay between each of the bot's replies. Could someone tell me how to do it in dialog flow? I couldn't find any answer…
0 answers

How to I retrieve the value of "Answer" of the largest "TimeStamp" from my Real-Time Firebase?

I'm trying to retrieve the value of "Answer" of the largest "TimeStamp". I've tried using the codes provided by Google in their docs about Firebase. This is the code i tried: var ref =…
1 answer

How to solve this issue Transaction Issue in Dialogflow?

When I submit my Action for review, it is rejected with the note "Your Action expressly directs users to a website, phone number, mobile app or alternative payment method to complete a transaction." I am creating a virtual assistant for University…
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How do i receive the most recent data in Real-Time Database using the Node.js in the fulfillment section?

I'm trying to retrieve the most recent data entry in my Real-Time database. I've tried using my own codes where I tried to take a snapshot of the child, but it seems like its not working. This is what I've tried : function checkMathAnswer(agent){ …
1 answer

Dialogflow: How to set up an intent which receiver any user keyword/utterance

This is what i want to build: I am building a chatbot to search in an archive. When the users says he wants to search the archive dialogflow provides quick replies with the archive document type, when the user click on a quick reply i get the entity…
Mat Teo
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code run correctly and print success message on console but not print in app

i am trying to send email to multiple person and i get the addresses from fire base and store them in an array called department Emails, then i go through the array and send email to each address, the code work correctly and send all emails .my…
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getting response on console without response on agent.add()

I'm trying to send email to someone. I print the success message in the console and my code work well and send the email successfully, but when I print it in the agent as a message it show not available before the response. Here is my code: function…
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How to create an intent on dialogflow with a Carrousel in response?

The purpose of my "function" is to create "intent" in dialogflow with a carousel. I took the code provided by the Google API the function "createIntent". My project is coded in node.js. Here is my function: async function createIntentCustom( ) { …
Glenn 53
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