Questions tagged [deviceid]

63 questions
2 answers

Can't get device id in Xamarin Froms for android version 9.0 (API Level 28 - Pie)

In my application, I need to get device Id. I use the following: var DeviceId=Resolver.Resolve().Id; Every things was normal when I set Target Android version to Android 8.0 (API level 26 - Oreo) or lower versions. However, When I want to…
Ahmed Shamel
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is possible to change Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID?

I've an android app available on google play with around 5k daily users. I'm having a weird error related to firebase auth, it is something not common so please read carefully before jumping into conclusions: I use Android_ID as user identifier for…
Rafael Lima
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iOS: Is it in any way possible to keep the device id after uninstalling app?

So until now I know that I can get the device id of apple device using the identifierForVendor. But reading through many answers I found out that this id is not unique because it will change after user uninstall and reinstall the app. I am an…
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adb: failed to stat app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk: No such file or directory

react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.57.3 Getting an error when connecting Android device via USB on a new app: > adb devices List of devices attached 988se6666555453 device > react-native run-android --deviceId 988se6666555453
Gil Perez
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Flutter android device id issue

Normally it would be pretty easy to get the device id, so I can also use FCM from firebase. This id you need to be able to use their api. So I am able to get the device id (udid), but it seems that this code is much different from what I am getting…
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How to get unqiue id for every device not for every app?

I want to know one unique id per device but not for per app in one device. I am building one framework where I want to use this device id.
0 answers

How can I know if a connected port is a usb

I'm using this code : import win32com.client wmi = win32com.client.GetObject ("winmgmts:") for usb in wmi.InstancesOf ("Win32_USBHub"): print usb.DeviceID how can I know if the DeviceID given is an ID of USB
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Drive letter from device ID on Windows with Python

I have the device ID of a removable drive. How can I use this to identify the drive letter of the device on windows with Python? Non python answers may help.
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RPi - ADXL345 Device ID and offset not showing correct values

Currently have 3 active Raspberry Pi's. Each one of them should be able to collect x, y and z with an accelerometer. However a problem is occuring when I run the following script on my newest Raspberry Pi: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #…
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0 answers

ADXL345 Device ID and offset being wrong (Raspberry Pi)

Currently using 3 Raspberry Pi's. Each one of them should be able to collect x, y and z with an accelerometer. However a problem is occuring when I run the following script on my newest Raspberry Pi: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #…
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1 answer

React-redux: Get deviceid and device info without npm

Can I get device-id and device-info without this react-native-device-info in react-native; like we get location info in device.
0 answers

Android Licensing Generating DeviceID

For the licensing of my app I need a deviceID. I already setup the necessary things: Setting up the licenseChecker: licenseChecker = new LicenseChecker( context, new ServerManagedPolicy(context, new AESObfuscator(SALT,…
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1 answer

Check device Id and name in sqlite database

I have an activity to check if the device id and the device name exist in the local database (sqlite) and when the device is already registered then I will pass to another Activity called ConnectToCostCenter The code of an activity is: public class…
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1 answer

wait on async fuction +

I want to get the last deviceId. Please try the following code on a smartphone. Inside the function "getConnectedDevices" the variable deviceId ok. But outside is returned a promise and not the variable deviceId. How…
1 answer

How to register GCM and APNS, get the DeviceId and send to it my API for database storage?

How do I register my Flutter app on GCM and APNS, receive the DeviceID and send it to my .NET API for database storage? I need to send push notifications to iOS- and Android devices. But I do not know how to register the Flutter app to GCM and APNS…