Questions tagged [device]

DO NOT USE. This tag is ambiguous. Questions about hardware not related to programming are off-topic.

2917 questions
0 answers

Will Android MODEL and MANUFACTURER be unique to a given device?

For fun, I'm creating a database containing Android devices and their screen widths and heights. I'm currently using the following as the key: android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER + "-" + android.os.Build.MODEL Example keys and the (actual devices)…
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1 answer

How to access a device and send data to it?

I have managed to identify both drives and serial ports in visual C# express but I still cannot access a specific device (RepRap Printer). I would like to send an array of string to it but first I need to locate it, how can I do that? I am using…
Arthur Mamou-Mani
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Heroku app - can't login with device and mongoid, monghq

I have a simple device, mongoid, mongoHQ, rails based app deployed to heroku. The user login gives an error. gemfile: source '' gem 'rails', '3.2.3' group :development, :test do gem 'rspec-rails' end group :test do …
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Receiving data from a TCP/IP device

Where I work we currently use a clock-in system that uses a hand scanner connected to our network. I want to know if there is a way via C# to connect to this device and receive any input from this device. Or, for that matter any other input device…
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Test private APIs on iPhone

I am a newbie to iOS development. I have to develop an app that uses private APIs and I understand the restrictions posed by the App Store for such apps. I just want to know if I can slap the app on a phone to test.. I don't want to distribute the…
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Android AJAX Request using Json for Netflix failed - parsererror

I have problem with a simple html page for mobile phones. Ajax request to the service works fine in every browser, including the iPhone, but not on the android browser. Tested with three different versions of the androids,…
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Android app showing up in Google Play search only on certain devices

I have tested my app on 2.2, 2.3 and 4.0. It works as designed on all versions. When I search Google Play Store from my Samsung Phone, both the Free and Paid versions show up in the list. When I search from my Tablet (Double Power T708) neither app…
2 answers

App targeted for both iPad and iPhone; removing iPad component pre-release

I'm about to release an app that I have been working on for quite some time and is has currently been built to target both iPhone and iPad. The app has both iPhone and iPad storyboards and various device specific code and views. I now wish to remove…
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JMF unable to add a Capture Device

I am trying to capture video via JMStudio. When I try to run jmfinit it can detect my webcam and ask to select a video device and then exits without any error. But the device is not listed in jmfregistry. When I try to add a device manually it is…
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2 answers

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation in subview

I'm having some trouble trying to change my view layout when rotation the device, I have my main view called OverviewViewController, this consists of 2 view that will be hidden / shown when the device is in a certain orientation. -…
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1 answer

How to export Properties -> Details for devices under Windows Device Manager?

Under Windows 7 or equivalent: I want to export all of this information at once to a txt: Go to Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Disk Drives -> Volume0 -> Properties -> Details: All properties in the dropdown menu, export all instead of doing it…
0 answers

How to use Device Host API in VB 2010?

I'm writing an app in VB 2010 that exposes functionality via UPNP, but I'm completely confused with the Device Host API as MS explains in its site. Does any one have a simple example of how to use this API in VB 2010? Google has failed me and teh…
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Are the accelerometers in older iPhone/iPad/iPod models comparable to current models in terms of sensitivity/accuracy?

Are the accelerometers in older iPhone/iPad/iPod models comparable to current models in terms of sensitivity/accuracy (such that no perceivable difference in readings)? For example, if someone takes accelerometer readings on their iPhone 3GS, and I…
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1 answer

Device info wp7

Im trying to retrieve some device information programmatically so I found something I need using DeviceStatus (DeviceExtendedProperties same thing) and Environment classes. Is it everything? I would like to get more info, for example memory("hard…
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Linux termios VTIME not working?

We've been bashing our heads off of this one all morning. We've got some serial lines setup between an embedded linux device and an Ubuntu box. Our reads are getting screwed up because our code usually returns two (sometimes more, sometimes exactly…
San Jacinto
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