Questions tagged [dev-mode]

49 questions
2 answers

GWT IE9 Dev Mode error

As pictured I see the following error when opening my page in IE9. I am on GWT 2.3.0 and IE9.
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How can I view Xbox UWP app data from the file explorer

When my Xbox one is in dev mode the web UI shows LocalAppData, however, I can't view the app data in windows files explorer.
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Xbox doesn't allow Remote Acess in dev mode

I just Complete a registration as a developer at Microsoft, enter Dev Mode (in registered console) in the remote access settings don't give me the IP number allowed to access Xbox remote access via browser and the address provided: https: //…
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Reload GWT server-side code from IntelliJ IDEA DevMode tool

I'm probably just missing something obvious, but the 'update' button in IntelliJ IDEA's GWT DevMode tool seems to update only client-side code: any hints about forcing the embedded server to restart or reload classes (something like the 'Restart…
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How capture all files transfert (like "network" panel in dev mode)

I have a little problem, I use the performance.getEntriesByType("resource") to listen all files transfert, but I monitor with the "Network" panel of Chrome (in dev mode) and some files is miss. In the "Network" panel, the type miss is "media"; a m4a…
1 answer

what OS build is needed on the XBox Dev Mode so we can see that we have Creators Program Dev kit instead of UWP app kit?

I joined the Creators Program Preview while my XBox One was still in beta preview (so had the march update already), and then when I used Dev Mode it was showing up that I was in the creators program when you look in the Dev Home page. But since it…
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MinGW DEVMODE Constant Error

experts! I'm a WinXP user in a Virtual Machine. I have installed MinGW and an IDE for develop C/C++ applications. Today I encountered a code snippet, at MSDN as you can see, DEVMODE dm; // initialize the DEVMODE structure ZeroMemory(&dm,…
0 answers

Silverstripe - Internal Server Error in Dev mode

I have a site in dev mode on server but I cannot edit any page. Got Internal Server Error but no detail track was found, neither in browser nor error_log. Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
2 answers

Printer spooler api number of copies

I really could use some help, this is a question that alot of people are asking on the internet. I have different setups, tried different ways of testing, it's very frustrating. First setup: local printers local running code print from pdf or…
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GWT 2.7 exception when launching in dev mode from ec

I am trying to run my GWT 2.7 application in dev mode from Eclipse (Kepler). When I launch it I get the following exception. Can someone tell me what I can do to fix this? Starting Jetty on port 8888 [WARN] FAILED…
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Redux dev_mode doesn't work

I am theme author for repository. I use Redux Framework to install theme options. But Redux embedding wasn't allowed on . So i have to recommend users Redux with TGM plugin at this point. As a result i must use redux builder for user…
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Adding debug=browser query parameter has no effect

I'm debugging a struts 2 application and trying to get the debugging interceptor to work. In struts.xml I added this line and restartet tomcat: Next I added ?debug=browser to an url. Unfortunately…
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trouble using prestashop : blank page without errors

I met some trouble while using prestashop. I've also sent message to their forum but nobody seems to know that trouble. the fact is that I have a blank page in my front office. the back office works fine. I've set debug mode on like…
Stanislas Piotrowski
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Running MGWT in Super Dev Mode does not pick up code changes

I was evaluating MGWT for the new mobile version of our website. So I downloaded the MGWT's showcase project and set it up in my Eclipse. I was able to compile the project and run it. I was then trying to set up the showcase to run in the Super Dev…
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IncompatibleRemoteServiceException when refreshing dev mode on firefox 16.0 (after GWT 2.5 upgrade)

We recently upgraded from GWT 2.4 to 2.5. Everything seemed to be working until I started working in dev mode again. When I initially load my application everything runs fine, however when I try to click my browser refresh button the entire…
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