Questions tagged [detection]

Detection is a general term that describes the action of finding an object, event or state during a process.

2021 questions
2 answers

Javascript - detect if event lister is supported

Is it possible to detect if certain events are supported in certain browsers? I can detect if the browser supports document.addEventListener, but I need to know if it supports the event DOMAttrModified. Firefox and Opera support it, but Chrome and…
4 answers

Detecting stack overflows during runtime beforehand

I have a rather huge recursive function (also, I write in C), and while I have no doubt that the scenario where stack overflow happens is extremely unlikely, it is still possible. What I wonder is whether you can detect if stack is going to get…
J. Rickson
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2 answers

Linux Kernel Rootkit samples

I'm working on some new techniques for Linux Kernel Rootkit Detections as my thesis. I need some sample of rootkits to test my method and also do some machine learning tests. But not the old-dusty ones in packetstorm that could be found in computer…
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4 answers

Getting MimeType subtype with Apache tika

I'd need to get the MediaType rather than application/zip or application/x-tika-msoffice for documents like, odt, ppt, pptx, xlsx etc. If you look at mimetypes.xml there are mimeType elements composed of the mime-type and…
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2 answers

How to detect a cracked iPhone App and a jailbroken device (different methods)

I'm building a blacklisting service for cracked iPhone apps and I am curious if I missed a method for detecting cracked apps. In the moment following app crack detection methods are available for the service: checking plist size checking signer…
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4 answers

Detect dead code in C#

How can I detect dead code in my C# application?
santosh singh
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7 answers

Problem with cocos2D for iPhone and touch detection

I just don't get it. I use cocos2d for development of a small game on the iPhone/Pod. The framework is just great, but I fail at touch detection. I read that you just need to overwrite the proper functions (e.g. "touchesBegan" ) in the…
7 answers

How to detect language

Are there any good, open source engines out there for detecting what language a text is in, perhaps with a probability metric? One that I can run locally and doesn't query Google or Bing? I'd like to detect language for each page in about 15 million…
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1 answer

Improving accuracy OpenCV HOG people detector

I'm working in a project. A part of project consist to integrate the HOG people detector of OpenCV with a camera streaming . Currently It's working the camera and the basic HOG detector (CPP detectMultiScale ->…
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3 answers

How to check an object's type in C++/CLI?

Is there a simple way to check the type of an object? I need something along the following lines: MyObject^ mo = gcnew MyObject(); Object^ o = mo; if( o->GetType() == MyObject ) { // Do somethine with the object } else { // Try something…
Jon Cage
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4 answers

iOS Motion Detection: Motion Detection Sensitivity Levels

I have a simple question. I'm trying to detect when a user shakes the iPhone. I have the standard code in place to detect the motion and this works no problem. However, in testing this on my actual phone, I've realized that you have to shake the…
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4 answers

The way to detect web scraping

I need to detect scraping of info on my website. I tried detection based on behavior patterns, and it seems to be promising, although relatively computing heavy. The base is to collect request timestamps of certain client side and compare their…
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1 answer

What would be the most efficient way to detect all closed paths in a collection of segments and connectors?

We have a data set which is comprised of Connectors and Segments. Each segment has exactly two connectors, but each connector can belong to zero or more segments (i.e. connector 'A' in the left image below has no segments, while connector 'M' has…
Mark A. Donohoe
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2 answers

What is a proper way to detect the support of css "flex-box" and "flex-wrap"?

I'm looking for a solution how we can detect the support of css flex-box and flex-wrap by JavaScript. I'm aware of modernizr which can do the job but my client does not allow us to load any scripts inside the head section, unfortunately this does…
Arek van Schaijk
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3 answers

Finding the Sky/Ground separation in OpenCV

I am trying to detect the horizon in an image, and return a mask of the sky (or inverted as the ground). While there seems to be many uses for it, I am battling to find a good solution. What's worse is that it seems like such a simple problem, and…
Andre Coetzer
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