Questions tagged [detach]

279 questions
1 answer

Hibernate Object Detached after a ConstraintViolation on a related entity

I use Spring / JPA / Hibernate. I have a fairly standard Dao and Service layer implementations. class GenericDao { public save(T entity) { if (!entity.isIdSet()) { getEntityManager().persist(entity); } // other…
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Attaching a DB "inherits" schema changes from DB previously attached with same name

We've just experienced an issue where a newly attached Dev instance "picked up" schema changes that had been made to the previous Dev database but were not present in the Live DB replica before it was renamed and attached as Dev. The Dev DB starts…
Joe Harris
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Using jquery detach() twice doesn't work as expected

I have a autocomplete textbox in my DOM (using jquery). I have scenario where in I need to show this autocomplete textbox in dialog box on click of a button. Do autocomplete stuff in dialog view only and then set the autocomplete textbox back to DOM…
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Detaching from inside screen. ^a, ad doesnt work

Firstly, I hope this is the right place for this question. I have an odd problem with screen detaching. I can detach from most every screen I create, except one I am using to host a minecraft server. When I hit control A D, all I get is another…
2 answers

Why cannot I detach fragment from FragmentPagerAdapter?

I would like to detach a fragment from my FragmentPagerAdapter, but it doesnt seem to be working. Here is my pageradapter class, which I copied from the original code: public class PagerAdapter1 extends FragmentPagerAdapter { private…
Jani Bela
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Wicket - ListView not getting updatet, when new instances are added

Inside my panel I am adding a listView to a table with a detachable Model: Edit: public class TaskDetailsPanel extends Panel { ... public TaskDetailsPanel(String id, CompoundPropertyModel model) { super(id, model); …
David Sonnenfeld
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OnDetach/onAttach fragment recreate fragment activity

I want to detach/attach my fragments, but how to set, that fragment not recreate, after I attach. In fragment I have WebView; when I select and unselect tabs, webview load startpage. There is my code: public class MainActivity extends Activity…
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How to append all detached rows back to their initial place?

I want to detach a row from a table after a button is clicked. However, I cannot manage to append it back to where it was. I ended up with the code below to detach the row that the "delete" button belongs to: $(".removeTR").live('click', function…
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Hibernate: Detach is not cascaded to collection

I am currently doing some testing on using Hibernates detached objects as DTOs. But i have the problem that the detach of the parent bean is not cascaded to the beans contained within a collection of the parent bean (although CascadeType.ALL is…
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Should we detach shared memory before termination of a forked process

Suppose we have requested shared memory and attached it to the main process of our program. This program creates several processes. As the manual of shmat says After a fork(2) the child inherits the attached shared memory segments. So we don't…
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Detaching an image then appending it back to where it was detached from

My experience level - I am making a custom slider and this is my first experience with jQuery, but I think I have a pretty good handle as to what html,css and jquery do together but, still have my noob-ness going on. My Problem - I have 17 div's…
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webstorage & serialisation of the object returned by the new jquery detach method

I'm developping a small web client application using jquery The App at the first page of session contains only the app menu which trigger ajax requests, display data received in a new tab (within the page) and set event handlers via callbacks. When…
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jQuery: Detach without string selector

I'm trying to detach a DOM element to append it to another DOM element. But jQuery refuses to do anything, silently. Thing is, I can't use a string selector, because I don't know how to select this element. I've stored it in a variable when I first…
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Using .detach() with multiple ajax elements on a page

I'm loading content from a database into a page with jQuery ajax. I have multiple divs of content, but would only like to view one div at a time. I've managed to successfully detach the elements from the dom, but I can not figure out how to manage…
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Problem when put a element in array, using detach and append to another element using jquery click doesn't work

Having a problem , can't explain because not sure what is happening. Just can only simplify the problem in this example What hapening I'm putting the element in a array temporally, then when I put again doesn't have the click event. How to…
Ricardo Rodrigues
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