Questions tagged [deploying]

143 questions
1 answer

Error when deploying Silverlight5 app: Load operation failed for query

I am having trouble deploying a Silverlight5 application. I'm releasing to a Windows server 2003 R2 running IIS6. This is the error that I get: Load Error - System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.DomainOperationException: Load operation failed…
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Copy SSIS Package Created in SQL Server 2008 onto SQL Server 2005

I am having problems moving an SSIS package I created on one server in MS Visual Studio 2008/MS SQL Server 2008 to a server which has MS SQL Server 2005. I am getting the following error and would appreciate your advice: Storing or modifying…
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How to solve Flask/Heroku Error: “Method Not Allowed The method is not allowed for the requested URL”

I'm working with flask, heroku and flutter but when I call the the url I got the following error. This is my code for the from flask import Flask, jsonify, request import pandas as pd import numpy as np import joblib import traceback from…
1 answer

How to deploy a C# WPF app with a sqlite database?

I've created a C# WPF application which interacts a SQLite database. I want to create installation file so as to be able to install the app on another computer. Does anyone know how to deploy C# WPF app with SQLite database, I've created a setup…
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Publish application to godaddy web server

I have a completed web form application (with 3 SQL server databases tied to it) that I created with visual studio and I want to upload it to my godaddy server. My application needs to go to a specific folder in my server so I would prefer to…
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Server Error in '/' Application. The system cannot find the file specified

I'm new to MVC3. I've created a web application using MS tutorial. I succeeded to deploy the application to a third part server. Steps taken by me to deploy the databases (Business and ASP membership databases). for both databases I took a backup…
1 answer

HoloLens Deployment

I have build an application in unity and I am trying to test out my project on to holoLens. When I hit the run button I get an exit code 1 error. I have already upgraded Visual Studio, debug deploy is enabled.
3 answers

How to resolve this Java Unsupported Class Warning

warning: javax\servlet\RequestDispatcher.class(javax\servlet:RequestDispatcher.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler. It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded. warning: …
Taj Masindi
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