Questions tagged [datastage]

DataStage is the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) component of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server suite. It allows the user to integrate various data sources and targets in an enterprise environment as a GUI based client tool.

DataStage is the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) component of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server suite. It allows the user to integrate various data sources and targets in an enterprise environment as a GUI based client tool. Data Sources/Targets could be database tables, flat files, datasets, csv files etc. Basic design paradigm consists of a unit of work called as DataStage job. Multiple jobs can be controlled and conditionally sequenced using 'Sequences'.

IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® integrates data across multiple systems using a high performance parallel framework, and it supports extended metadata management and enterprise connectivity. The scalable platform provides more flexible integration of all types of data, including big data at rest (Hadoop-based) or in motion (stream-based), on distributed and mainframe platforms.

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InfoSphere DataStage provides these features and benefits:

  • Powerful, scalable ETL platform
  • Support for big data and Hadoop
  • Near real-time data integration
  • Workload and business rules management
  • Ease of use

Support for big data and Hadoop

  • Includes support for IBM InfoSphere BigInsights, Cloudera, Apache and Hortonworks Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
  • Offers Balanced Optimization for Hadoop capabilities to push processing to the data and improve efficiency.
  • Supports big-data governance including features such as impact analysis and data lineage

Powerful, scalable ETL platform

  • Manages data arriving in near real-time as well as data received on a periodic or scheduled basis.

  • Provides high-performance processing of very large data volumes.

  • Leverages the parallel processing capabilities of multiprocessor hardware platforms to help you manage growing data volumes and shrinking batch windows.

  • Supports heterogeneous data sources and targets in a single job including text files, XML, ERP systems, most databases (including partitioned databases), web services, and business intelligence tools.

Near real-time data integration

  • Captures messages from Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) queues using Java Message Services (JMS) or WebSphere MQ adapters, allowing you to combine data into conforming operational and historical analysis perspectives.

  • Provides a service-oriented architecture (SOA) for publishing data integration logic as shared services that can be reused over the enterprise.

  • Can simultaneously support high-speed, high reliability requirements of transactional processing and the large volume bulk data requirements of batch processing.

Ease of use

  • Includes an operations console and interactive debugger for parallel jobs to help you enhance productivity and accelerate problem resolution.

  • Helps reduce the development and maintenance cycle for data integration projects by simplifying administration and maximizing development resources.

  • Offers operational intelligence capabilities, smart management of metadata and metadata imports, and parallel debugging capabilities to help enhance productivity when working with partitioned data.

507 questions
3 answers

I am working in datastage and I am trying to input data from one column to another

I used the following statement below: Trim(IF FromDataSource.PID_VALID = 'Y' THEN FromDataSource.Person_ID ELSE @NULL)
1 answer

How to call a parallel data load job from a sequence loop job in datastage

I am new to daatstage and working on my first datastage job. I have prepared a data load job which need to take input from a sequence job. The sequence job has table list and I need to pass the table name from table list to load job in a loop. It…
2 answers

How to remove Null byte at the end of field in Oracle

I am extracting data from oracle table to a text file and i see in the field3, i am getting null byte at the end of the field3 eg., SV^@. I am expecting only SV but ^@ is getting appended. Trim function doesnt seems to help. Select…
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IBM data staging product

Of the following tools, which one is more suitable tool for ETL? IBM InfoSphere Information Server manager, IBM InfoSphere Information server console, IBM InfoSphere DataStage and Qualitystage Administrator,, IBM InfoSphere DataStage and…
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Comparing records in same column and performing concatenation

My sample file is 101,name1,gold 102,name2,gold 101,name1,house. I need to compare the names, if they are the same then the third column has to be concatenated using pipe deimiter For ex: 101,name1,gold|house I need to achieve this in datastage…
1 answer

datastage scd stage is updating old records instead of inserting no match business keys

we have dim build with 1.8 million records and scd is updating the old records instead of inserting the record when business key is not found. need immediate help as this is a production issue.... we had identity on the destination table and we are…
1 answer

Filtering data using constraints in Datastage Transformer

In Datastage, I have an INTEGER field from a Seq File 0, in a transformer i wanted to write a constraint that if the Source data from the seq file is <> 0 or <> Numeric (numbers) then it should be written in seq file 2 and other Numeric data and 0…
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Connection Problem of Xmeta Database on Datastage

I have a problem about connection of the db2 connector to metadata repository database (XMETA- inside datastage- not remote). I can connect to XMETA database on terminal with db2inst1 user. But I can not connect with DB2 Connector Stage with the…
1 answer

Kubernetes with calico

We are trying to set up IBM Datastage container makes use of two components Docker and Kubernetes. IBM used Kubernetes with Calico (pure IP networking fabric) as networking. IBM uses ansible + shell script to set up the deployment of InfoSphere…
1 answer

Datastage: Split multiple sequential rows under different columns

I've got this type of data in my Database. Imagine that File_Name is the column name and so I need to take all the rows (Under "File_name") and put them into different columns with different Names. File_Name (Column Name) File1 (First Row) File2…
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Datastage multiple parametric (conditionned) query execution

I would like to create a job than based on some values in Table A, execute a Select query in Table B where the WHERE CONDITION must be parametric. For example: I have 10 columns in A with 100 rows filled. 9 of my columns can be nullable so I have to…
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To acheive an output from input in datastage tool

I have an input file with data GGN,IBM BNGLR, IBM GGN,HCL NOIDA,HCL BNGLR,HCL I want output like IBM,GGN,BNGLR HCL,GGN,NOIDA,BNGLR using datastage tool. Thanks in advance
2 answers

Datastage merge files

I need to merge 3 input files into 1 output file via datastage, may I know how to achieve this? Background: The 3 input files have different fields (layout) example: Input file A: HDR123 Input file B: 000123 Input file C: TRL003 Expected…
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How to run .bat file with parameters in command prompt? (Imporing Project Variables)

I am trying to process the file in below order please point me in right direction. Switch to the D drive by Entering: D: (Successful) Change to directory D:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\bin. (Successful) Execute the processEnvVariables.bat for the…
3 answers

Is DataStage Merge stage just a left outer join with multiple other sources?

It appears that the DataStage Merge stage is just a left outer join with the Master being the "left" side and driving input. The other inputs are joined with the master when possible. Is that all there is to it? What am I missing?
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