Questions tagged [datasource]

Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server. The name is commonly used when creating a query to the database. The database source name (DSN) does not have to be the same as the filename for the database.

A data source is any of the following types of sources for (mostly) digitized data:

  • a database (in the Java software platform, datasource is a special name for the connection set up to a database from a server)
  • a computer file
  • a data stream

Please see more here (Wikipedia entry for Datasource) and here (Java 6 Datasource interface documentation)

4483 questions
2 answers

Add a spinner when Mat-table is loading?

I load the data in my material table like that : ngOnInit(){ return this.annuairesService.getMedecins().subscribe(res => = res);} I want show the spinner when is loading : I try : …
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ERROR : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

While connecting .net to sybase server I got this error message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified This has worked properly before. System DSN with same details work and data connection…
6 answers

Ubuntu Tomcat7 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory

I'm trying to set up a JDBC DataSource in Tomcat 7 under Ubuntu 12.X, so I added the following to the context.xml file:
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c# Hide a property in datagridview with datasource

I think there must be an attribute to hide a public property from the datagridview. But I can't find it.
27 answers

VB.NET: Clear DataGridView

I've tried - DataGridView1.DataSource=Nothing and DataGridView1.DataSource=Nothing DataGridView1.Refresh() and DataGridView1.RefreshEdit() None of them works.. I've written a method that sets the DataSource of the DataGridView when executed. but…
Bibhas Debnath
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attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]?

In my application I have a UITableView and some buttons that the user can click to sort the array to the order based upon some NSDate's or ints. So this is my method to try to sort my UITableView: - (void)sortStats:(id)sender…
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1 answer

Get the hostname from a DataSource class

Is there a way to get the hostname from the DataSource class in java? I mean, I have a DataSource object (DS), which is annotated to get the Jboss datasource. Anyway, I want to get the hostname used in that DS. Debugging, i can see it this way: I…
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4 answers

Database or List of English First and Last Names

I've come across a few smaller lists/sets of names but I was wondering if there is a free data source out there that can provide a list of names (comma delimited or in a sql structure)? I've found these two…
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Can I configure Grails with no datasource?

I have a Grails app that loads its data from xml files and delivers rss feeds via rome. I don't have any domain classes and my app has no datasource. I don't want Grails to load an in memory hsql db when the application has no need for it. Deleting…
Jack Chu
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3 answers

New method added in javax.sql.CommonDataSource in 1.7

Trying to compile my app against java 1.7 I found what there was a new method added in javax.sql.CommonDataSource (and so in j.s.DataSource) -- .getParentLogger(). You can compare CommonDataSource:1.7 with CommonDataSource:1.6 For me this change…
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3 answers

tomcat7 - jdbc datasource - This is very likely to create a memory leak

I get the following messages in catalina.out log file when tomcat is shutdown. I am using Tomcat 7.x and the Tomcat JDBC data source. Mar 26, 2013 1:17:52 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc SEVERE: The web…
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1 answer

Spring Boot 2.0.0 , DataSourceBuilder not found in autoconfigure jar

We are upgrading our existing Spring Boot (1.5) application to 2.0.0. We connect with multiple databases and use the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceBuilder class. I added the dependency: compile group:…
2 answers

Get a reference to currently active dataSource in Spring Boot

I want to implement db data init via DataSourceInitializer. I have these as methods just below my Spring Boot main method, but it seems that it doesn't get executed at all (I tried with intentional removal of characters just to trigger an error…
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2 answers

intellij idea data sources doesn't see existing table in the database

intellij idea data sources doesn't see existing table in my mysql database, while Netbeans see it. i've created a table in the database. When i create connection in intellij idea data sources, it sees my scheme, i do select it in "schemas and…
1 answer

how to return connection to pool

do we need to call any method on dbcp.BasicDataSource or jndi datasource(i'm using jboss) to return the connection after done with it?
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