Questions tagged [datamapper]

Architectural pattern for separating application logic from storage.

Objects and relational databases have different mechanisms for structuring data.

The Data Mapper is a layer of software that separates the in-memory objects from the database. Its responsibility is to transfer data between the two and also to isolate them from each other. With Data Mapper the in-memory objects needn't know even that there's a database present; they need no SQL interface code, and certainly no knowledge of the database schema.

Pattern definition:

1130 questions
1 answer

Join in datamapper in codeigniter

How to Create INNER JOIN query in datamapper in codeigniter? Country : id(int) | Name(varchar) User : id(int) | name(varchar) | country_id(int) Required Query SELECT * FROM User u INNER JOIN Country c ON( = u.country_id) WHERE LIKE %abcd%
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1 answer

mule datamapper - first line of the csv file has been skipped

Data mapper has skipped the first line of the csv file during processing. How do i include the first line of the file in payload? Appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience. Thanks.
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3 answers

DAO tutorial in pure JDBC / Java

I'm looking for a tutorial / best practice example on how to implement DAO layer in pure Java/JDBC. Are most DAOs based on Data Mapper pattern ? Is Active Record pattern also used ? How do You do it ?
Sebastian Dusza
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1 answer

Datamapper php relations

Well, I have 3 tables: sorty with fields id, name, fStart, fEnd bol with fields id, fol, and bol_sorty with id, bol_id, sorty_id When I add a new register to sorty, it must add to bol the number of items from fstart to fEnd. I know how to create a…
4 answers

Sinatra, select from Datamapper pass to Haml

I'm doing a brief exercise, condensed below. The issue I'm having is that I'm able to pass a selection of all tickets, but not a selection of one ticket. At / there is no problem listing all the tickets, at endpoint for a ticket I get: NoMethodError…
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