Questions tagged [datakey]

28 questions
1 answer

Gridview Rowcommand Datakey gives index out of range error

I have added a button named reserve to my gridview, and when I click it I want do some modification on the gridview, however it gives index out of range error. Below is rowCommand method: protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender,…
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Dynamically assign/change datakeynames to GridView

I create and populate a DataTable dynamically in code behind, and use it as a DataSource for my GridView. I need to be able to assign dinamically DataKeyNames value in the GridView, because I use a single dinamically query to populate the GridView…
1 answer

How can i access Page.FormViewDetails.DataKey?

I need to get the selected item from DataList in ASPNET in a general logging procedure not knowing the control name or datakey name (can be different from page to page). The only place I can find this data seems to in Page.FormViewDetails.DataKey? I…
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Telerik/radgrid Equivalent (Find row items/values)?

Does anyone know the Telerik/radgrid equivalent of the following statement? e.InputParameters["id"] = Convert.ToString(myRadgrid.DataKeys[myradgrid.SelectedIndex].Value); I'm trying to find the row items/values, and haven't been able to figure…
1 answer

Javascript 30 "Drum kit" console.log Issue

I'm doing the JavaScript 30 and I have an issue with the beginning of the JavaScript Drum Kit. I have followed the code exactly, but I seem to have an issue with the the first fews lines of JavaScript in the program. I need it to console.log
R Gao
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In gridview Datakey field contains double value but retutns only integer part,how to get complete double value

I'm having Gridview in which two columns I want to hide but need to acces their value so I keep them in dataKey out of these two datakey field one is application fees..which contains values in double format, now I want these values for…
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ListView in ASP.NET and DataKeyNames

I have a ListView, which is bound with a list of 'A', which looks like this: Class A Property Id as Integer Property TestStringA as String Property B as B End Class Class B Property Id as Integer Property TestStringB as…
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2 answers

When using a GridView, SelectedIndex is always 0 when using custom select button

When clicking the select button in gvSquid2, x gets a valid and correct value. When clicking the select button in gvSquid, I get an ArgumentOutOfRange Exception because gv.SelectedIndex=0. Additionally, gv.SelectedDataKey is null. How do I get…
1 answer

Singular data-keys between application and database?

Is there a paradigm in which I can change a data-key name in one place and one place only, and have it properly be dealt with by both the application and database? I have resorted most recently to using class constants to map to database field…
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what's wrong with DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].Values

I am using datalist to show some data. in code bahin, I need datakey value: protected void dlT_ItemDataBound(object sender,…
Mike Long
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2 answers

DataKeyNames for different tables with different primary key names

I'm wondering if there is a way to use datakeynames to access the primary keys of different tables if those primary key names are different in those tables. For example, I have a table called Table1 and Table2 where the primary keys are Table1ID and…
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2 answers

Programmatically Add a Datakey to an Existing Set of DataKeys

I have a GridView that has a few datakeys. Under a specific set of circumstances, I need to add an additional datakey from the code behind during the page's Load event. How does one programmatically add a datakey to an existing set of datakeys in a…
Matt Hanson
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2 answers

Installation of ECMWF Key in Python

What is the "$HOME/.ecmwfapirc" file? And how to create it?
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