Questions tagged [dataflow]

Dataflow programming is a programming paradigm in which computations are modeled through directed graphs: nodes are instructions and data flows through the connections between them.

Dataflow programming is a programming paradigm which models programs as directed graphs and calculation proceeds in a way similar to electrical circuits. More precisely:

  • nodes are instructions that takes one or more inputs, perform calculation on them and present the result(s) as output;
  • edges connects inputs and outputs of the instructions -- this way the output of an instruction can be fed directly to the input on another node to trigger another calculation;
  • data "travels" using the directed edges and triggers the instructions as they pass through the nodes.

Often dataflow programming languages are visual, the most prominent example being LabView.


964 questions
1 answer

Can I make TPL DataFlow BatchBlock Singleton?

All the example I can find shows that I have to call .Complete() to get messages pushed to next node, I am wondering If I make BatchBlock Singlton, and have it receive messasges continuously, auto push messagses to next block when messasges reach…
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1 answer

Data flow control in inter-process communication in C

I have three modules(2 C executable+ 1 python script). I need three processes-one parent, two child processes. All of them won't stop until they see an End of file. They just keep running after execution. Problem just arises here. Parent process…
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3 answers

Difference between control flow and data flow in ssis

What is the difference between control flow and data flow in a SSIS package along with some examples please. Thanks.
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0 answers

Dataflow SQL possibilities

I am very optimistic about dataflow sql in GCP. But I dont see many documents, blogs, writeups on the same. I understand that may be the procedural part is not possible using SQL. But I think most of the transformations can be done using SQL. Or am…
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