Questions tagged [database-optimization]

186 questions
3 answers

Optimize group by used along with where condition in mysql

I have a table with around 8M rows and 35 columns(1G in size overall). This is used for reporting that involves multi-level group by conditions. Here is one such query. explain select min(a), max(a), avg(a), sum(b) from test where (c=2 or c=20 or…
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2 answers

Django - very slow query

I've made a module which parses xml file and updates or creates data in django db (pgsql). When the data import/update is done I try to update some meta data of my objects. I use django-mptt for tree structures and my meta-data updater is for…
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1 answer

Does indexing fields for views give any performance increase on MySQL?

So does adding indexes to tables that are in a view give you any performance boost. Let's say we have following tables: CAR ID (pk) model owner TYRES ID (pk) carID size CAR_DETAILS (view) carID owner model tyreSize View is joined on…
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5 answers

I can store a lot of data (<=4GB) in one table column. But is it a good idea?

To make a long story short, one part of the application I'm working on needs to store a somewhat large volume of data in a database, for another part of the application to pick up later on. Normally this would be < 2000 rows, but can occasionally…
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How can we optimize this linq to entity query to decrease the response time?

IQueryable mySearch = eventDC.GetBooks() .Where(p => p.Price.Any(d => d.EventDatetime.Month == fromDate.Month && d.EventDatetime.Year == fromDate.Year)) .WithGroup(groupId) …
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1 answer

Better way to reference foreign key in database

can you suggest the best practices for database optimization? Here is my database schema, group(id, name, status) users(id, group_id, parent_id, username, password) company(id, name, address, phone) agent(id, agent_code, name, address, phone) In…
Dipendra Gurung
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2 answers

Optimize large and gradually increasing database

I am about to create a PHP web project that will be consisting of a large database. The database will be MYSQL and will store more than 30000 records per day. To optimize the DB I thought to use MEMCACHED library with it. Am i going the correct way…
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1 answer

Query Optimization on Searching

I am trying to create a search query for developing a school library that will retrieve data from the database with a low cost. Inside my table are callNumber,author,title and year. I want to search from callNumber, author and title. $sqlCommand =…
3 answers

How to save one Doctrine entity to two database tables (required for MySQL optimisation)

In my database I've a table file and a table file_content. The file table stores the metadata of the file such as name, mime and some more. The file_content stores a blob with the file content. I'm not storing the blob in the same table as the…
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1 answer

MySQL performance of select a large set of data in a table

I have a question about MySQL optimization. Assume that there have a table market_transition with 1,000,000 data rows. Is there have any performance issue that if i do SELECT * FROM market_transition WHERE end_time >= (SOME TIMESTAMP) and it return…
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1 answer

MongoDB - Geospatial intersection performance

We are developing a small tool that will allow a person to draw a polygon on a Google Map, and it will return zip codes that overlap the drawn overlay(s). I figured this would be a great time to dive into a NoSQL database, since I've heard great…
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What is the most elegant way to do Concurrency Control of modifying records in Mysql?

Ok, look at this scenario, I got a table in which users may modify many rows at the same time. I want that when someone is modifying records then other people can't modify the same record. Ex, there's table1 with 3 columns (ID, text,…
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3 answers

Database for microblogging startup

I will do microblogging web service (for school, so don't blast me for lack of new idea) and I worry that DB could be often be overloaded (user could following other users or even tag so I suppouse that SELECT will be heavy - check 20 latest…
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2 answers

Should we store the Text & the Tag of an HTML String into 1 same column or into 2 seperate columns?

I want to store the following HTML string into DB This is my text. There are 2 parts of this Html string: The Text: "This is my text" The Tags: , , , In my opinion, there are 2 options to store the above Html…
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1 answer

Database design - how to structure

Currently, I have one table, and it is getting populated very fast. I have 50 devices. I gather data from each device every 30 seconds. Therefore, after we add 10,000 devices, they would generate 876,000,000 records per month-- which is a…
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