Questions tagged [database-indexes]

An index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table, or view, and pointers that map to the storage location of the specified data.

An index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table, or view, and pointers that map to the storage location of the specified data.


Top Questions related to Database Indexing

474 questions
2 answers

Why would MySQL use index intersection instead of combined index?

From time to time I encounter a strange MySQL behavior. Let's assume I have indexes (type, rel, created), (type), (rel). The best choice for a query like this one: SELECT id FROM tbl WHERE rel = 3 AND type = 3 ORDER BY created; would be to use…
2 answers

Creating indexes on columns where primary key or unique key constraints already present

I am currently learning indexes in Oracle. In Oracle documentation, following can be found : Although the database creates an index for you on a column with an integrity constraint, explicitly creating an index on such a column is…
Shailesh Pratapwar
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1 answer

mysql - how to run query without index

I am looking to compare indexes and further optimize my code. What I would like to do is force the query to run without an index so I can see what difference it has made. Is it possible to do this?
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1 answer

Why PostgresQL count is so slow even with Index Only Scan

I have a simple count query that can use Index Only Scan, but it still take so long in PostgresQL! I have a cars table with 2 columns type bigint and active boolean, I also have a multi-column index on those columns CREATE TABLE cars ( id BIGSERIAL…
3 answers

How can I quickly detect and resolve SQL Server Index fragmentation for a database?

I've come across a situation where my database operations on many of my SQL Server database's tables have become very slow as more records have been added (5s for single insert to a table with 1 million records). I've estimated that this may be due…
6 answers

How can I speed up queries against tables I cannot add indexes to?

I access several tables remotely via DB Link. They are very normalized and the data in each is effective-dated. Of the millions of records in each table, only a subset of ~50k are current records. The tables are internally managed by a commercial…
aw crud
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2 answers

Cassandra 1.1 storage engine how does it store composites?

I'm trying to understand Cassandra's storage engine when it comes to composite columns. Unfortunately, the documentation I've read so far contains errors and is leaving me a bit blank. First, terminology. Composite columns comprise fully…
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2 answers

What is the most optimal index for this delayed_job query on postgres?

delayed_job does a query like this regularly: SELECT "delayed_jobs".* FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE ((run_at <= '2012-05-23 15:16:43.180810' AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2012-05-23 11:16:43.180841') OR locked_by = 'host:foo pid:1') AND…
John Bachir
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3 answers

Does the ORDER BY optimization takes effect in the following SELECT statement?

I have a SELECT statement which I would like to optimize. The mysql - order by optimization says that in some cases the index cannot be used to optimize the ORDER BY. Specifically the point: You use ORDER BY on nonconsecutive parts of a key …
Christian Ammer
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1 answer

Rails -- database index necessary for :id attribute?

So as I was following the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl I noticed that in the users table we added a unique index for the :email attribute to improve the efficiency of the find method so it doesn't search row by row. So far we have been…
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1 answer

PostgreSQL 11 goes for parallel seq scan on partitioned table where index should be enough

The problem is I keep getting seq scan on a rather simple query for a very trivial setup. What am I doing wrong? Postgres 11 on Windows Server 2016 Config changes done: constraint_exclusion = partition A single table partitioned to 200 subtables,…
1 answer

restoring table with pg_restore does not include primary key or indexes

So I made a backup of a table using pg_dump: pg_dump -U bob -F c -d commerce -t orders > orders.dump This table had several listed indexes such as a primary key However when I restore this table into a development database on another system using…
2 answers

Oracle - Create an index only if not exists

Is there any way to create indexes in oracle only if they don't exists ? Something like CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ord_customer_ix ON orders (customer_id);
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1 answer

Putting an index on a date field in MySQL

Is there going to be any real benefit to me putting indexes onto date fields that are going to be mainly used in queries using stuff like. dateField < 'var' And 'var' BETWEEN dateField1 AND dateField2 The searches get done a lot but I am never…
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3 answers

How to remove index varchar_pattern_ops in a django (1.8) migration?

When creating a model with a models.varchar(...) field, a varchar_pattern_ops index is being created. This is the table generated in postgresql Table "public.logger_btilog" Column | Type | Modifiers…
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