Questions tagged [database-abstraction]

86 questions
0 answers

Perl Model class for both ORM and web forms

Is there a perl module or a framework which will let me define my data model for both database and web forms in one place? Something like a fusion of Class::DBI with CGI::Formbuilder? So that I'll be able to define my data classes, their…
2 answers

Simple database abstraction for PHP and MySQL

This is my very first post here, please let me know if I can improve the question. I'm in the process of updating a website. In short: it handles user subscriptions and keeps track of sales (products I make). I want to keep my options open for…
Fabien Snauwaert
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Using static methods to interface with a database - any potential problems?

I'm looking at a class handling database access for an MVC3/.Net application. The class is static, and provides nice convenience methods for common DB queries - all sorts of twiddly stuff like "GetColumnBValueForColumnA()", as well as much more…
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Scala: ResultSet translation into a different kinds of multimaps

I am going to create wrapper over JDBC ResultSet in Scala. This wrapper is intended to be a function ResultSet => ParticularType. The problem is I can't find a common solution for making MultiMaps. Here is the way I am fetching…
0 answers

How to abstract existing firebase CRUD operations, to be able migrate to another DB in node.js

We are trying to find a proper way to abstract firebase CRUD operations, which are currently in many places in our node.js code. The reason is to be able to substitute firebase with another DB like mongoDB. Our database contains relative deep data…
3 answers

php shared db connection ( design pattern help )

I have a small php app that I want to build a layer of db abstraction on top of with a few "model" type classes. I'm using ezSQL_mysql to do the db work. My question is what is the best way to design the app? Should I use a singleton pattern to…
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PHP SQL Query building engine

I'm looking for query building engine for PHP (not ORM!) which would satisfy some criteria specified below. Unfortunately, after looking into Doctrine, Propel, Adodb, Zend_Db, etc. I couldn't find any that really fits the profile - they are either…
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How do I query for an object with an object array property in MySQL?

I have seen this asked before in different ways, but I'm hoping for a straight answer. If I have two classes, Parent and Child, stored in two different MySQL tables, what is the best way of querying for a complete Parent object, with a list of all…
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Using interfaces with golang and database abstraction

I am trying to figure out how to build a datastore abstraction in Go. I think I understand the basics of interfaces. However, the problem I have is all of the examples online only show you the most simple case, nothing beyond it. What I am trying…
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1 answer

Database access abstraction classes

Currently, I have a database access class named DB, which uses PDO. I Then have a handful of sub-classes for accessing each table: Users Images Galleries Text Videos This was nice when I first started my project, but now I'm not sure if it's that…
Mike Moore
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Derived Classes in Php Phalcon

I am fairly new to php phalcon and the language itself. I am making a website that involves an abstract class and derived classes. The Abstract Class:
Rabbiya Shahid
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1 answer

How to create database table in titanium by using model?

I have below 2 approach to create Db table in titanium. Approach 1 -- Create a sqlite database, using queries in the titanium code. like"DBName"); and then create tables using sqlite queries var db =…
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1 answer

Best practice for abstracting database interaction in Laravel 4

I currently have a situation where a user is able to complete a form which can result in the creation of several different models. For example, they post an advert of a car for sale, but in doing so, they needed to create a new brand and also a new…
Ben Thompson
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1 answer

Protocol buffer Database abstraction framework

Has anyone heard of an enterprise grade database abstraction layer that builds on Google Protocol Buffers I can foresee such a DB tool set would have great possibilities from mobile computing all the way through to enterprise system development.
Timothy C. Quinn
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3 answers

What are good python libraries for the following needs?

What are good python libraries for the following needs: MVC Domain Abstraction Database Abstraction Video library (just to create thumbnails) I already know that SQLAlchemy is really good for Database Abstraction so don't bother with it unless…