Questions tagged [data-stream]

In Connection-oriented communication, a data stream is a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals (packets of data or data packets) used to transmit or receive information that is in the process of being transmitted.

In Connection-oriented communication, a data stream is a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals (packets of data or data packets) used to transmit or receive information that is in the process of being transmitted.

In electronics and computer architecture, a data flow determines for which time which data item is scheduled to enter or leave which port of a systolic array, a Reconfigurable Data Path Array or similar pipe network, or other processing unit or block.

Often the data stream is seen as the counterpart of an instruction stream, since the von Neumann machine is instruction-stream-driven, whereas its counterpart, the Anti machine, is data stream driven.

The term "data stream" has many more meanings, such as by the definition from the context of systolic arrays.


211 questions
1 answer

What is a data stream in DirectX 9?

I am practicing drawing in Direct3D9, and ran into a little problem. For example, the first parameter in d3ddev->SetStreamSource(1, NULL, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX)); is to specify the "data stream", but I don't know what that is. I've got it drawing…
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How to fix " 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/Product$class' error while flatMapping DataStream to case class in Apache Flink "

Trying to consume twitter stream with Apache Flink and flatMap it to a case class, as soon as it tries to transform the tweet, fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:…
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1 answer

How to find the rank of an element in a stream of numbers efficiently?

Recently I'm trying to find the median of a stream of numbers with the following conditions: 3-pass algorithm O(nlog(n)) time O(sqrt(n)) space The input is repeated 3 times, including n, the number of integers, followed by n integers a_i such…
3 answers

Optimal Way To Generate A Balanced Binary Search Tree From A Stream Of Sorted Numbers

I have an input stream of integers coming in an ascending order, my task is to create a balance binary search tree out of that stream, on the fly. I have gone through the link:BBST from a stream of integers and understood that we can make use of…
1 answer

Send video stream/images to a websocket server

I'm developing an application that processes images. Having a HTML front-end I have to capture images from the webcam (using video tag) and send them to the server continuously. Then images are going to be analyzed and when the objects are…
1 answer

Github error while trying to push

So I have commit all my local changes successfully, but then when I try to use git push, it gives me the following error message: Error: inflate: data stream error (unknown compression method) fatal: loose object…
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Index Sort: serialization of data stream based on index

I have two streams from where I am getting the data. I would like to output a stream sorted by indexes of two current stream. for simplicity here is sample code: While (1) { read.stream1(buffer1,size); read.stream2(buffer2,size); int index1 =…
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2 answers

Using terminal to record/save a data stream

I want to be able to save a data stream which i am returning using the curl command. I have tried using the cat command, and piping it the curl command, however i'm doing it wrong. The code im currently using is: cat > file.txt | curl…
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1 answer

how to make Sliding window model for data stream mining?

we have a situation that a stream (data from sensor or click stream data at server) is coming with sliding window algorithm we have to store the last (say) 500 samples of data in memory. These samples are then used to create histograms, aggregations…
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1 answer

how to send http response using stream

I would like to have simple API in my http server so everytime I write to HttpResponse I use stream. so I convert all object into stream, ie object->json->stream Stream> toStream(Object value) { var json = JSON.encode(value); var…
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2 answers

Creating an efficient way of sending integers over a network. TCP

How can I convert integer values to byte arrays and then send them over a byte stream to the client program which converts the byte array back to an integer? My program is a pingpong game. Once run it creates a server which a client connects to over…
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0 answers

How to read parquet files with Flink as Case Class (scala)?

With spark we can easily read parquet files and use it as a Case Class with the following code:"my_parquet_table").as[MyCaseClass] With Flink, I'm having a lot a trouble to do that. My Case Class comes from an Avro schema, so it…
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1 answer

React app not refreshing the log streamed through

In my project I am using flask_socketio as the server and with react as the client. My server) is constantly reading a log file(console.log) that is continuously updating. When the start button is clicked in the UI,…
2 answers

How to cast a string in Apache Flink Datastream in Scala?

I'm writting a Scala script for processing a csv file in Apache Flink, using Datastream API. I need to fix the format to some columns, and then cast them to proper types. My current code is this: package org.myorg.tareac import…
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Highland JS - turn reduce result array back to stream

I'm experimenting with data streams where I would like to aggregate time series data. The reduce works, however I cannot find a solution to turn back the resulted array to another stream. When I call a map on the reduce I only get back the whole…
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