Questions tagged [data-pipeline]

95 questions
1 answer

Data Pipeline using SQl and Python

I need to create a data pipeline using Python. I want to connect with MySql in Python and read the tables in dataframes, perform pre-processing and then load the data back to Mysql Db. I was able to connect to the MySql Db using mysql connector and…
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1 answer

Google Dataflow pipeline for varying schema

I have a product to define and configure business workflows. A part of this product is a form-builder which enables users to setup different forms. This entire forms data is backed on MongoDB in the following structure - form_schemas { "_id" :…
1 answer

Build an end-to-end data analysis platform

I need to create an end-to-end platform: Input data collection and storage - Data will be periodically collected via FTP and stored in cloud. Data Analysis - The data will be analyzed (using Tableau/ any other analytics software) Reports - Daily…
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2 answers

combining data from different sources in apache spark

I am exploring apache spark for a project where I want to get data from different sources - database tables (postgres and BigQuery), and text. The data will be processed and fed into another table for analytics. My choice of the programming language…
1 answer

Add images from disk to a Tensorflow dataset

I am using Tensorflow Datasets' tfds.load function to load my data: import tensorflow_datasets as tfds import tensorflow as tf (raw_train, raw_validation, raw_test), metadata = tfds.load( 'cats_vs_dogs', split=['train[:80%]',…
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