Questions tagged [custom-routes]

203 questions
1 answer

ASP.NET MVC3 dynamic routing

I'm having trouble finding the answer to this question anywhere. I am in need of creating a form where the user can create a post and change the url to the post. For example, if the default route is…
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How to create custom endpoints for custom post types with ACF?

I've created a custom post type with custom fields (using Advanced Custom Fields plugin). I need to create different routes for each single post, using a code expressed during the creation of the post. In particular: I have a field called…
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Rails custom url for a particular tab of a page

As far as my knowledge is concerned, I know that rails routes can be made for a particular action of a controller, but I'm in a situation where I need a url link ( e.g. : ) to open a particular tab of a particular page.…
Faizaan Khan
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custom action submitting multiple forms in Rails

So I have this structure of application: a Game model which has many Allies and many Enemies. I want to create a custom action for Game dedicated to create and submit enemies and allies. So in the view I will have 2 fields_for that you can submit at…
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what is difference between resourceful and non resourceful routes

Difference between resourceful and non resourceful routes? Actually I know one difference that we can create our custom paths in non resourceful routes. But this routes can also be possible by member and collection in resourceful routes. So what…
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How write friendly url for different language MVC4 C#

I need your help to understand how can I have an URL in french and one in english that redirect to the same controller in MVC4? In other words, I have a controller Speciality which have a controller MoreOption public ActionResult…
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How to create a custom route when calling an action using form_for?

I created custom routes '/album' that routes to 'microposts#new'. However, when I use a form_for it routes to '/micropost' instead of returning to '/album'. In my controller I'm using render 'album'. I would prefer to keep as render, although I can…
Joseph Lee
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I'm new in MVC and I trying to change the default url from http://localhost:55920/ to http://myCustonURL/ My route config: public class RouteConfig { public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { …
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