Questions tagged [cumulative-frequency]

76 questions
2 answers

Plotting cumulative distributions with y-axis scaled to normal distribution in R

This is the first time I have a R question that I couldn't find on Stack Overflow already - forgive me if the reason why I didn't find anything is a specific term for the type of thing I'm looking for that I'm not aware of (is there?). I'd like to…
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How do I find the frequency of a given number into a range into an array?

The problem is: You are given an array of size N. Also given q=number of queries; in queries you will be given l=lower range, u=upper range and num=the number of which you will have to count frequency into l~u. I've implemented my code in C++ as…
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1 answer

expand frequency table in r

Hi everyone I am struggling with something that I think should be easy. I have a dataset that looks as follows Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Count a b c d 10 z a c f 3 I just need a function that replicates the rows based on the…
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Matplotlib: Avoid congestion in X axis

I'm using this code to plot a cumulative frequency plot: lot = ocum.plot(x='index', y='cdf', yticks=np.arange(0.0, 1.05, 0.1)) plot.set_xlabel("Data usage")` plot.set_ylabel("CDF") fig = plot.get_figure() fig.savefig("overall.png") How it…
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cumulative distribution in dictionary

Im trying to calculate a cumulative distribution into a dictionary. The distribution should take letters from a given text and find the probability over the times they appear in the text, and from this it should calculate the cumulative…
1 answer

Running Total in Django Template

I listed debit and credit for my account transactions. Now I want to running total in last column by debit subtracted by credit added with previous arrived amount as running total (as you know). Thanks for your support. my view: def…
3 answers

Creating two columns of cumulative sum based on the categories of one column

I like to create two columns with cumulative frequency of "A" and "B" in the assignment columns. df = data.frame(id = 1:10, assignment= c("B","A","B","B","B","A","B","B","A","B")) id assignment 1 1 B 2 2 …
1 answer

SAS Proc Freq with PySpark (Frequency, percent, cumulative frequency, and cumulative percent)

I'm looking for a way to reproduce the SAS Proc Freq code in PySpark. I found this code that does exactly what I need. However, it is given in Pandas. I want to make sure it does use the best what Spark can offer, as the code will run with massive…
2 answers

R help needed for my cumulative percentage function

A recent change (be it in R or somewhere else) has made my previously working function stop working. The function is designed to generate two columns that tell me what the percentile score (see df2$CumPercent is for a given score on a survey (see…
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density of ongoing events from density of starting time

I have a data frame containing a column of starting times of event A, and length of event A in hours, like so: df = structure(list(StartTime = c(10.1401724605821, 8.34114734060131, 10.1930766354781, 9.49644518946297, 9.36002452136017,…
Omry Atia
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How can I construct Histogram, Bar plot, frequency curve and Ogive curve in R for this problem?

Dr. Tillman is Dean of the School of Business Socastee University. He wishes prepare to a report showing the number of hours per week students spends studying. He selects a random sample of 30 students and determines the number of hours each student…
1 answer

Reformatting cumulative data

I have data with the cumulative households against the cumulative wealth they posses. I've attached an image of a small amount of the data. Using the R diff() function allows me to get what % of households hold what % of wealth which is good. I aim…
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Cumulative Counting in SQL

I am struggling to write a query that gets the cumulative distinct counts for values in a column. table column: desired column: a 1 b 1 c 1 c 2 c …
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Barplot of a table with frequency distribution

pizza burger drinks dissatisfied 3 2 2 neutral 1 1 2 satisfied 1 2 1 The above is the table i have just formed with the dataset , now with the ggplot2 how should I go about for creating…
1 answer

Plotting a cumulative histogram with exported data in Python

I am trying to plot a cumulative histogram similar to the one shown below. It shows the number of occurrences (y-axis) of the French pronoun “vous” in a text corpus (x-axis) represented from word 0 to 92,633. It’s been created using a corpus…
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