Questions tagged [cucumber]

Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tool that executes functional descriptions written in plain text (structured in the simple Gherkin language) as automated tests.

Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tool.

It lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text structured in the simple Gherkin language. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid - all rolled into one format.

Cucumber works with Ruby, Java, .NET, Flex or web applications written in any language. It has been translated to over 30 spoken languages.

Cucumber supports over a dozen different software platforms. Every Cucumber implementation provides the same overall functionality, but they also have their own installation procedure and platform-specific functionality.


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9676 questions
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Cucumber `press button` failure (Capybara::ElementNotFound)

I'm a relative newbie starting up a new Ruby on Rails app. I started by following a combination of instructions at,,…
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Parallel Execution not working using Appium, Cucumber with TestNG in Android Emulators

I have BDD framework with TestNG in which I tried running the Parallel execution by using Two instances of Appium with different ports and Two Emulators. But I am unable to run the Parallel Execution. While running the testng.xml file, only one…
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How to perform parallel execution on Cucumber with TestNG framework?

I have been trying to implement parallel execution in my automation framework. These are the solutions I tried to implement: 1. ` @Override @DataProvider(parallel = true) public Object[][] scenarios() { return super.scenarios(); …
2 answers

Testing a recurring cron job with Cucumber

I want to notify my users at 10AM if one of their Discounts is expiring soon. I am using heroku's hourly cron. I am on Rails 3.0.9 with Ruby 1.8.7. I have the following cron.rake in lib/tasks/cron: # Notify users with expiring claims puts…
1 answer

Is there a way to post Karate Cucumber Report to Slack without breaking formatting?

To be clear, I have been able to post to Slack using the incoming webhook and sending a file link. However, I run into an issue where overview-features.html does not load with any of the supporting .css or .js Below is what happens when I load my…
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Cucumber integration test Error

I have ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.3.5 and when I run the feature scenario. I get the following error. /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `initialize': Connection refused - connect(2) (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in…
Manjunath Manoharan
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Unable to Run Automated Test Cases With Minimized Window in Chrome

I use Cucumber framework in version 4.0 and Selenium Server Standalone in version 2.53.0 to automate test cases. While Google Chrome version is 86.0.4240, the already automated test cases are executed without any problems and even when the Web…
2 answers

Running two user stories in the same Scenario in Cucumber Gherkin

I'm trying to create a scenario where two users would access the application, so I could simulate a sold-out product when one user has it on the cart (more or less). E.g. Given user1 access website Then user1 add a product to the cart Here comes the…
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How I can use minimal time and memory for filling up POM with Page Factory in Selenium->Java?

I need to develop reusable POM with Page Factory for dependent Scenarios. How I can use minimal time and memory for filling up POM with Page Factory. General idea: Scenario1: Given Do something NUM1 When Do Something NUM2 And Do Something…
Gaj Julije
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How to resolve Cypress Cucumber 'Step implementation missing for: ' error?

I have set up Cypress Cucumber project as follows : I have added "nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true in package-lock.json but still cannot find steps. package-lock.json: Feature…
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Pass empty string to cucumber DataTable

I'm updating my cucumber version from old info.cukes to latest io.cucumber (v6.8.1) and some of my tests are failing due to change of transformer behavior. Passing empty strings used to be possible but now they are transformed to null. How can I…
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Passing list of strings as Cucumber parameter

I'm updating my cucumber version from old info.cukes to latest io.cucumber (v6.8.1) and some of my tests are failing now with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at How can I pass list of strings as parameter in…
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QAF cucumber testNG with spring boot

I have a cucumber project that uses spring boot and testng. Here the principal classes @SpringBootTest public class CucumberTestDefinitions extends FunctionalTesting { @Given("Something") public void smthg(){ …
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3 answers

Maven does not run Cucumber tests

I have a Maven / Spring Boot 2.3.3 application with JUnit 5 and Cucumber (v6.5.1) tests. The thing is that I can run OK either Unit and Integration tests via Maven, but it does not run Cucumber. Cucumber Runner: package…
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How do I split a big PR in to multiple small PRs ? basically rolling back the video film roll in time lapse mode

I have raised a big git PR with say 45 test stories (we are using Java Cucumber BDD) in a single branch. Say these 45 stories belong to 3 categories like Users, Device, Bootload etc., equally like each category has 15 stories implemented. Each test…
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