Questions tagged [css-loader]

css loader module for webpack

450 questions
1 answer

Webpack setup, webpack doesn't resolve(pack into bundle) css files

I have problem inserting css inside my react code. Problem is that webpack not resolving css files. I did everything according to docs, and no luck. Also could be issue that i'm using django 1.9 for this File structure: webpack.config.js static ├──…
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Webpack bootstrap.css npm module fails parsing with ExtractTextLoader + css_loader

I am learning to use node as a front end build tool and am struggling with including bootstrap into a css bundle file to include within a web page. I have a loader for LESS and a loader for CSS, as well as loaders for FONTS, and requiring any of…
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Webpack: generate separate stylesheets per theme

I am using CSS modules to conditionally load the top-level stylesheet (stylus). This works fine when I am running webpack-dev-server, but I am trying to generate 2 CSS files: theme1.css and theme2.css. Here is the top-level index.js file. export…
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Webpack bundle returns 'Cannot find module' for CSS

I have an app which folders are structured like this: /app/ |- /assets/ | |- /css/ | |- myapp.css |- index.html |- index.js /dist/ /node_modules/ .babelrc package.json webpack.config.js myapp.css is a simple, plain…
0 answers

Webpack optimize-minimize breaks gradients in Firefox?

I have a simple landing page and I used webpack. If I run webpack with -p flag which stands for -optimize-minimize it will break css gradients in Firefox. Instead of smooth color change I see harsh stripes. Under the hood css-loader using cssnano…
Vlad Miller
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How to use global stylesheet with css loader

I try to figure out how to import/require global css which includes styles for tags like body and so. I use css-loader + style-loader with extract text plugin.. I noticed the :global selector but didn't know where exactly I should put the global.css…
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Why webpack output local css before boostrap css?

My app uses bootstrap css and local custom css. The problem is webpack's output included some local css before bootstrap css and some come after it, although all my app imported local css after bootstrap. Is there a way to put all custom css after…
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1 answer

Configuration for enabling hot style-loader in Webpack for syncing css

I'm trying to enable hot style-loader in Webpack but I can not find the right configuration for it. Here's my webpack.config.js: const webpack = require('webpack'); const path = require('path'); const buildPath = path.resolve(__dirname,…
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Missing ! causing "Module not found" - webpack

I have node application that is using webpack bundler. Everytime I try to budle it, I get this error: Error: Cannot resolve module 'test/qfla-server/node_modules/style-loader/addStyles.js' in /home/backman/!test/tta/app/renderer resolve module…
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1 answer

Webpack CSS loader won't parse comments

I'm using react starter kit and I'm trying to import the SCSS files from bootstrap (installed via NPM) and it's complaining about the comments: ERROR in…
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3 answers

Can't Import Bootstrap 4 SCSS Into Angular-Cli 1.5

I just upgraded my CLI project to Angular 5/ CLI 1.5 and I'm getting errors from Bootstrap 4 no matter what I do. This is the main error: ERROR in…
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1 answer

How to create a css loader that hides, than shows the body

I would like to create a loader for my webpage, but I am not sure how to keep the body hidden while the animated loader shows, than delete the loader, and show the body after it is done loading. Here is the CSS for the loader body { …
1 answer

How to debug webpack when bundling for production?

I'm currently working learning webpack and have a working development config but when trying to use that same config for production everything but the css bundles. assets master % node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --display-optimization-bailout…
1 answer

Is there any operation will cause css be loaded as async in webpack?

ref: The question is, I don't know why the css be loaded as async and how to solve this correctly ------------------Update---------------------- My question is, what reason cause my css be loaded as…
1 answer

loading animation not happening in container

I have a working example of a page loading animation when the user hits submit on the form here. Im trying to change the animation to something different but the newer animation is not happening inside the container and is loading even before the…
Max Powers
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