Questions tagged [crud]

The four basic operations for a data management system : Create, Read, Update, Delete

The four basic operations that can be used on a relational database table are

  • C reating
  • R eading
  • U pdating
  • D eleting

A CRUD application is one that performs these basic operations. A CRUD framework is an application framework that gives these functionalities as a base for the development.

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3783 questions
8 answers

Easiest Form validation library for PHP?

I need a simple php library which can be used to easily pass rules and field names to, and then validation could be easily performed. There should also be an easy way to retrieve the errors. Any suggestions?
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4 answers

Why the Ruby on Rails action "destroy" is not named "delete"?

The CRUD principle defines the four basic operations on persistent data: Create, Read, Update, Delete. HTTP verbs also use the DELETE word. Why does the default routing in Rails use the word "destroy" for the action corresponding to the HTTP verb…
Haralan Dobrev
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1 answer

Rails - Update a single attribute : link with custom action or form with hidden fields?

Let's say I have a User model, with a facebook_uid field corresponding to the user's facebook id. I want to allow the user to unlink his facebook account. Do do so, I need to set this attribute to nil. I currently see 2 ways of doing this First way…
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4 answers

CRUD in a use-case diagram?

My question is quite simple. What is the best way to bring CRUD into a use-case diagram? It should be DRY. I know, UML is sometimes discretionary, but what do you think about it? Some ideas: 1 use-case diagram Not really DRY, if there are a few…
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3 answers

CRUD: To Roo or not to Roo?

I have been using Groovy on Rails for CRUD applications. I am starting a new project where we are not allowed to use Grails anymore (we have a list of allowed jars and grails is not there). I am considering using Spring ROO or JBoss Seam. How do…
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4 answers

How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact?

I am able to get a generic notification "that there was a change to the contacts DB", but I want to know the specific record that was inserted, updated, or deleted. Following is the code that gets registered and gets the onChange notification. …
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5 answers

Straightforward way to generate code with Mongoose and Node.js and Underscore?

I want to generate something like this: But I want to generate the html template and other client-side code, and either have generic/monolithic save/query/reads or generate…
Jason Livesay
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6 answers

Recommended JSF 2.0 CRUD frameworks

Can somebody recommend any framework to facilitate CRUD development in JSF 2.0? Aspects I value most: As lightweight as possible; limited dependencies on third party libraries Support for an evolving domain model Limited need for repetitive coding;…
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10 answers

Angular - Material Table, is it possible to update rows without entire table refresh?

After few weeks of Googling and only one Stackoverflown question so far I finally managed to build up my Angular CRUD App using Material Table Component. It shows data from backend (JSON) and for CRUD operations I'm using dialogs like one shown on…
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6 answers

Effective strategy for leaving an audit trail/change history for DB applications?

What are some strategies that people have had success with for maintaining a change history for data in a fairly complex database. One of the applications that I frequently use and develop for could really benefit from a more comprehensive way of…
Dana the Sane
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1 answer

REST Best Practices: Should you return an entity on POST and PUT calls?

In order to respect the best practices of the REST principles, is it best to return the created/updated entity upon a POST/PUT ? Or return an empty HTTP body with the Location header? More precisely, when a resource is created by a POST, should we…
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6 answers

ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme

I'm looking for a very simple ORM framework working on Android for SQLite. I've been testing ActiveAndroid but none of the example could ever build on Eclipse. By the way, how do guys implement a "many to many" relationship in SQLite for Android?…
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4 answers

RESTful atomic update of multiple resources?

Imagine a web-application storing some data-resource with some id which stores three attachment (e.g. pdf) per datum. The URL scheme is data/{id}/attachment1 data/{id}/attachment2 data/{id}/attachment3 An RESTful API exists for the attachments…
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3 answers

Is it good practice to combine CREATE and EDIT controllers in AngularJS?

There are many duplicated code among CREATE and EDIT controllers. These controllers could be combined into one for minimizing repetitive code. The problem: I need to distinguish which method to use on form submitting - create() or edit() for…
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1 answer

How to perform a bulk update of documents in MongoDB with Java?

I'm using MongoDB 3.2 and MongoDB Java Driver 3.2. I have an array of a couple of hundreds of updated documents which should be now saved/stored in MongoDB. In order to do that, I iterate over the array and call for each document in this array the…
Mike B.
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