Questions tagged [crt]

For issues relating to utilizing the C runtime library.

The C runtime library is a special program library used by a compiler, to implement functions built into the C programming language, during the execution (runtime) of a computer program.

Not to be confused with CRT terminals.

331 questions
1 answer

Configure COM port with CRT functions

Is it possible to configure a COM port (bitrate, parity) on Windows using only CRT functions? Or must I use Win32 functions (CreateFile, SetCommState, ReadFile, WriteFile), to use it with the bitrate and parity I want?
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Missing crt0.o file with cross-i386 gcc

I can't find out why crt0.o or crt1.o are not provided for i386 targets by newlib as it is the case for powerpc, arm, etc. targets. ld requires it (and so do I to call static constructors).
Julio Guerra
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Java with a compiled C dll issue

I have a java project in eclipse that contains a DLL that was compiled on a seperate machine. I am on Windows 7, 64 bit and eclipse is for 64 bit also. I am unable to compile the project, with error: "The application has failed to start because its…
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Step debugging works fine but debugging without stepping causes strange error when using _tprintf

Ok, i am going to keep this simple and not include all the code (yet) if I don't need to. My inner senses tell me that there is probably a simple answer to this and I have overlooked it as usual. More inexperienced might say the compiler is the…
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Formatted text output to std::string object using std::ostream methods

I've made a function dump_text(std::ostream &) that dumps some text in a standard output stream. The text goes to a file or to the user console. Now, I want that text to end up in a standard string object (see the next code sample). void…
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Debugging heap corruption error in MS VC++ 2005

I am building an application whose output is libraries that end up being used by another client application. I recently discovered I was building my application in debug mode using /MDd for code generation (debug CRT libraries) and that the client…
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2 answers

CRT memory allocation

Our application allocates large std::vector<> of geometric coordinates - it must be a vector (which means contiguous) because it eventually sent to OpenGL to draw model. And Open GL works with contiguous data. At some moment allocation fails which…
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2 answers

File RSA Decryption

I have a RSA Encrypted file & I want to decrypt it with C# in .NET I have the foll. parameters of (1024 bit enc) message(cipher text) to decrypt modulus public exponent private exponent prime p prime q prime exponent p prime exponent q CRT…
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on Vista (SP2) 64-bit :Why is my C/C++ Runtime (CRT) Assembly cache not visible to my app?

hi to all VC++ and WIndows experts! ;) Firstly, my background: Vstudio, C & C++, Windows.(so you can get techy with me, if u want). After 5days of trying all kinds of possibilities, and forums and fixes and even changing O/S platforms , I've decided…
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1 answer

Does this mean memory leak?

I have a c++ program and I want to tracking the heap memory when running int MyFunction(){ //do function logic here //do function logic here ..................... //Check memory state in heap at the end of function _CrtMemState…
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How to link obj files without crt?

how to can i achieve linking 2 .o file without CRT. Compiling .c files: gcc -ffreestanding -c file.c -o file.o Linking: gcc file1.o file2.o -o f.o Flags -nostartfiles and -nostdlib don't help me.
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2 answers

Uses CRT how to negate anti scrolling?

I am currently using the CRT to allow for a delay to create a multitude of random numbers without having a bunch of numbers be the same (<- im terrible with grammar). so i used a writeln to see the numbers my script was generating and it wouldnt…
2 answers

Crt unit for Delphi 2010

I need Crt unit for Delphi 2010 console application (ReadKey, GotoXY, ...). Is there any Crt unit for Delphi 2010?
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Regarding formatting output using strcat

I need some help in converting following format using strcat function instead of s printf. const char* const MSG_STAMP_PRINTF_FORMAT = "%c %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"; char cMsgStamp[500]; char cSevChr = 'I'; struct tm gmt; // Calculate…
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Visual C Run-time libraries missing

I've been losing sleep over this for a few days now: I'm using SFML to create an application and everything was well until I created a new project a few days ago. After that whenever I tried to compile a solution that uses SFML libraries I would get…
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