Questions tagged [cross-browser]

Cross-browser development refers to the practice of building web sites, web applications, libraries, or components so that they function across different web browsers and rendering engines.

Cross-browser development refers to the practice of building web sites, web applications, libraries, or components so that they function across different web browsers and rendering engines. This contrasts with the concept of developing for one browser or engine.

8931 questions
2 answers

Safari and ASP.NET AJAX PageRequestManager.add_endRequest Function Not Always Firing

Here's the background info first. ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site with AJAX Extensions 1.0. I have a weird issue that only occurs in Safari and I can only assume Chrome as well since they both use WebKit. I also use jQuery in the site, but currently the…
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1 answer

Reliable cross-browser method of setting and getting the date of a datpicker

I have a datepicker with which I'm getting and setting the date (which is then serialised to JSON using json2.js using the following code: $('#element').datepicker('getDate'); // returns 2012-03-19T00:00:00.000Z $('#element').datepicker('setDate',…
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1 answer

Is it possible to change browser mode without using the IE developer tools?

Our application runs fine in IE7 and IE8. We use the X-UA-Compatible header to force the browser to use IE7 standards document mode. This is about which rendering engine will be used afai get the picture. In IE9 however there are a bunch of things…
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3 answers

How to make JS and CSS compatible with IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

Our company develops ERP and CRM, and so far our products support IE and Firefox. Now we want to support Chrome, Safari and even Opera. Is there any comprehensive materials that introduce browser compatibility of JS and CSS? thks!
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3 answers

Is it possible to have separate css stylesheets that are automatically loaded depending on what browser the website is being accessed from?

The reason I'm asking is because I finished a lovely homepage design and only viewed the website in chrome and safari on osx then I decided to open firefox and certain things broke. Also an issue I was having with search field placeholder text…
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4 answers

Javascript storing/state of global data/object

Is there a way to store global data in the window object such that the data can survive page reloads/refresh. So lets say I assign my global data/object - window.myObject = myProductObject And the user refreshes/reloads the page or may be jumps to…
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1 answer

JQuery Cross-Browser Performance: .animate() on .hover() on more than 100 DOM elements

This is my quandary. Let me just set the scene: I have a grid of absolutely positioned elements, whose height, width and position(top and left) are a percentage of their container's. Essentially it is a grid of boxes that will dynamically resize to…
3 answers

Detect presence of other tabs / windows of same domain

If I have two (or more) tabs open at the same domain, is there a simple way to sense the presence of the other one, (so as to control what computations I do)? I understand there is a function, but I am not opening one window from…
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1 answer

Cross browser @font-face use

I've been having a lot of difficulties with using custom fonts and @font-face. I'm trying to get a font consistent across the latest versions of Chrome, Safari & Firefox (shown in that order in the screenshot below: I'm using the following to…
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3 answers

Is there any offline cross-browser testing tool

Is there any offline cross-browser testing tool strictly no online please.
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1 answer

Image alternatives in case of zoom in browser

If the browser have been zoomed in the images get blured. If I put a bigger image and set width/height to the desired size the image will be better in zoom, however in 100% some get moire, so I need some of the images to be different by the zoom…
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4 answers

Read Attributes of SVG-Elements in HTML via JS

I have the following markup (HTML with native SVG):