Questions tagged [credentials]

Credentials in information systems are widely used to control access to information or other resources. The classic combination of a user account number or name and a secret password is a widely-used example of IT credentials.

Credentials in cryptography establish the identity of a party to communication. Usually they take the form of machine-readable cryptographic keys and/or passwords. Cryptographic credentials may be self-issued, or issued by a trusted third party; in many cases the only criterion for issuance is unambiguous association of the credential with a specific, real individual or other entity. Cryptographic credentials are often designed to expire after a certain period, although this is not mandatory. An x.509 certificate is an example of a cryptographic credential.

An increasing number of information systems use other forms of documentation of credentials, such as Biometrics: fingerprints, voice recognition, retinal scans, Facial recognition systems1 , or X.509, Public key certificate, and so on.

2320 questions
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Gssapi+Freeipa+Python. Can't find client principal. But it exists. Why?

What I do first: >kinit Default principal: bob@R1.COM Valid starting Expires Service principal 18.06.2020 18:27:11 19.06.2020 18:26:26 postgres/ 18.06.2020 18:27:11 19.06.2020 18:26:26 …
0 answers and aren't properly passed when running PreBuildMerge on slave/container

I'm running jobs on Jenkins which utilizes both nodes and containers so different teams don't use each other's resources. It works fine except for a single job that is supposed to handle .jar files creation. It uses PreBuildMerge class during…
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How to delete multiple credentials from credential store?

I am trying to delete credentials from windows credentials store using c#. I must delete generic credentials under the name for example credential:1 , credential:2 , credential:3 .. etc. var genericCredential = new Credential { Target =…
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How auto login is performed when a token has expired?

If I try to access an authorized resource and my token has expired, I assume that the website redirects me to the login page. But taking facebook as example, it might take me a month for my next login and still I don't have to give my credentials…
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PowerShell Scipt for adding new Credentials

I'm trying to make script to automaticly assign credidentials based on the group that was chose. I'm getting a lot of syntax errors. Can you help? Function Add-OSCCredential { $target = Read-Host "Group number" If($target) { …
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Credentials for Db2 in IBM

I recently signed up for the Lite version (free) of Db2 in IBM. When I select 'open console', I receive an error message: {"trace":"89cc4337d11c197f1e4c12c51f027b77","errors":[{"code":"authentication_failure","message":"HWCSEC0016E: Authentication…
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AWS InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider - where credentials are coming from?

In our application we are using InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider to access Amazon S3 buckets, but in some of our environments credentials are messed up. AWS documentation…
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c# PrincipalContext ValidateCredentials throws "Network path was not found" error

I am trying to log into a web app, which runs to my local IIS for testing purpose, using PrincipalContext in such a way: PrincipalContext principalContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine); userPrincipal =…
3 answers

Where does credential management api store webauthn related data

WebAuthn includes an extension of the credential management api that allows you to work with public keys. I can go to the chrome settings and check managed passwords to see which username/passwords i have chosen to store in the browser using the…
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File-sharing over LAN: credentials always rejected

I've followed these directions to share files over my LAN between OSX and linux machines. It works for guest accounts, but I feel like that's less secure, and I want to restrict access to registered users. When I try to access a shared folder on my…
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Could not create credential for cloudant db on bluemix

We created a Cloudant DB on Bluemix, but failed to create its credential. It shows an error as below: Code: BXNIM0424E, Message: Identity has too many policies, Details: Policy cannot be granted because identity 'IBMid-XXXX’ reached the policy…
Yu Ji
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Exchange Online: How to use current user's credentials

I have written an Outlook Add-In that logs on to our company's Exchange server and everything works well. The login is done using the current user's credentials: service.UseDefaultCredentials = true; service.AutodiscoverUrl( Environment.UserName +…
Heinz Kessler
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How to run a SQL with multiple projects in it using python? (A google credential problem)

I have a simple SQL text: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project1.dataset1.table1 t1 INNER JOIN project2.dataset2.table2 t2 ON = Just an example. The layout of the tables is not our concern. I also have a credential json file:…
1 answer

What is the Significance of "Session Token" in AWS temporary credentials?

I am using AWS temporary credentials obtained in exchange from the Cognito Id token. The temporary credentials contains Access Key,Secret Key and Session Token. What is the significance of "Session Token" here and where it can be used?
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Accessing Azure Cli from Prowershell in devops pipeline

I'm currently working on a pipeline job that requires kubernetes access through powershell. The only issue is that I need to sign in for Az cli. For testing I'm using my personal credentials, clearly not a good definitive option. Are there any other…
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