Questions tagged [createobject]

The CreateObject function is used to instantiate COM objects.

The CreateObject function is used to instantiate COM objects.

Example (VB Late Binding):

Dim obj As Object
Set obj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Example (VB Early Binding):

Dim obj As Outlook.Application
Set obj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

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154 questions
3 answers

Cannot instanciate .Net COM object in classic ASP/VBScript page (Error ASP 0177)

I've written a COM interop enabled class-library in C# using .Net 3.5. The object is meant to provide some utility functions for classic ASP pages. I've written a test.asp page which instanciates the desired object and calls its methods. Works fine…
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0 answers

CreateObject in VB Script fails with no error message

I have deployed a 64-bit COM+ application and while trying to create an instance of it via script, it fails with no error message and a negative error code (-2146233036). The script: dim myObj on error resume next set myObj =…
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1 answer

Trying to retrieve xml data from a website through excel

I am writing an excel spreadsheet for use with a game called Eve Online. My spreadsheet needs to automatically retrieve data through a data provider website called On the developer page of eve-marketdata:…
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1 answer

Bind to already opened form created using CreateObject

I was wondering if what I am trying to do is possible. I have created a C# class library which invokes a form when called from VBScript using CreateObject. I have a VBS that passes some data to the Form and once the script is complete, obviously…
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1 answer

Unable to instantiate COM+ objects installed via exported application

I have a COM+ application that has been exported to an MSI using Component Services and then installed on a test server. The web application (ASP) is unable to instantiate any of the objects it uses from the COM+ application. The COM+ application…
John Mills
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2 answers

Server.Create Object Failed error

I am debugging some old ASP code and have stumbled upon the following error: Server.CreateObject Failed Here's the line of code where I got the error: Set Session("SessionBoolian") = Server.CreateObject("DBUtils.SQLExpression") Where is …
Madam Zu Zu
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1 answer

VBScript and CreateObject issue

I'm not really experimented if it is about VBScript but I had the occasion to read many things through forums and actually yesterday I helped someone to checkout why his script wasn't working and found him a solution. So I modified this script…
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2 answers

VB.NET CreateObject dll ambiguity

could you please help with the following I try to use Some.dll version 5.0 within my code. However, Excel has multiple reference for the same dll, with earlier versions like 4.0 If I run: Set co = CreateObject("SomeClass.Object") even if I created…
Jim Tailor
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1 answer

Detect Plugins in Internet Explorer without Instantiating the Object

Normally when you use VBScript or JavaScript to CreateObject to detect a plug-in, the user gets the somewhat "jarring" security exception. What are some good ways to detect IE browser plugins without actually instantiating the object?
Danny G
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1 answer

How to set values for the silverlight plugin using javascript

I can't seem to figure out how to set a particular value for the Silverlight Plug-in. Specifically, the splashScreenSource value. I'm able to get this working using the param (name/value) method, however, I'm injecting the Silverlight plug-in using…
0 answers

How to add an object to flutter_realm?

The following Exception is thrown when I try to add an object Maybe I misunderstand how functions work. I couldn't find something helpful in documentation too Unhandled Exception: Unhandled error PlatformException(-1, Attempting to create an object…
0 answers

Why is Creating New Word Application Incredibly Slow VBA

I manage an Access database that generates Word documents. I'm using late binding to create a new instance of MS Word, and it's been working fine for years. We recently upgraded to Office 365, but we also have Office 2010 installed in order to…
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5 answers

Best method for Prototype object oriented programming in JavaScript

I rather like the prototype way of programming and have been trying to understand it in javascript. I saw this bit of code in The Good Parts: function beget(o){ function F(){ F.prototype = o; }; return new F(); }; I don't get this at all…
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1 answer

GetObject works, CreateObject doesn't

Trying to write a script that If excel session already open, join it to this one, Excel session not open, thus create one. First option works splendid! Second option doesn't work and does not give any explanation, just quits and does nothing! Dim…
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1 answer

Why do I have to write WScript.Echo with WScript while it's not mandatory for CreateObject?

In VBScript, there're so many examples where users wrote WScript.CreateObject("...") while at the same time the script56.chm and other relevant docs advise to just write CreateObject("..."). And it seems to work the same way. I'm wondering why is it…
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