Questions tagged [couchdb-2.0]

Use couchdb-2.0 for questions specific to the 2.0 major release of CouchDB and its minor releases.


117 questions
1 answer

Errors when a design document is edited and an update_notification is set

I've got a CouchDB 2.0 installation, running on Ubuntu 16.04, single node. One particular aspect of my application has write-heavy load, but I want reads need to be timely, so I'm looking to use update_notification to rebuild indexes every n…
Mike Hall
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1 answer

Sequence number bug in CouchDB 2 or is there another way to compare sequence numbers?

I’m digging deeper into CouchDB 2 and I’m finding some unexpected ordering with sequence numbers. In one case, I found that an early change in a _changes feed has the sequence number…
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2 answers

CouchDB 2.0.0 make install fails on CentOS 7

I am going by the CouchDB docs install directions: I install the dependencies: $ sudo yum install autoconf autoconf-archive automake \ curl-devel erlang-asn1 erlang-erts erlang-eunit \ …
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0 answers

Do individual databases have UUIDs in CouchDB 2?

I'm looking to incrementally copy data from a CouchDB to another database without copying my own bookkeeping document into the source database. Normally the replication target writes a the 'story so far' document to the source database to avoid…
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1 answer

CouchDB multikey view with an array

Okay, so my problem is that I have a multikey view, that works. function (docu) { if(!docu.deleted){ emit([docu.key1, docu.key2, docu.key3], docu); } } I am attempting to add another key to this already multi-key array. The key I am…
Hypnic Jerk
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1 answer

Couchdb2 mango/find js api

I have noticed that all the couchdb api helpers don't implement Mango query I have found cradle started working on it, but seems they stoped implementing, nothing on docs about…
1 answer

Install CouchDB 2.0 on Centos 6.8

I'm trying to install CouchDB 2.0 on CentOS 6.8 and its running into this error, I'm not sure what is wrong. Any ideas ?? This is the log: Compiled src/couch_db.erl Compiled src/couch_native_process.erl Compiled src/couch_util.erl Compiling…
Thomas Modeneis
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1 answer

How to insert a model with DoctrineCouchDBBundle and SF 2.8?

I've a fresh install of Symfony 2.8 and DoctrineCouchDBBundle. I've created a minimal model to try to insert an object into CouchDB, but I have the following error : HTTP Error with status 417 occurred while requesting /symfony/_bulk_docs. Error:…
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2 answers

create or update with _conflicts instead of 409

Is it possible to put or bulkDocs into couchdb/pouchdb and get the same behaviour as in replication, i.e. winning revision with _conflicts instead of a 409 response? Basically I would like to avoid the conflict case in the following code: const…
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2 answers

GET data from Couchdb using Guzzle in php

I'm getting data from Couchdb to PHP using Guzzle library. Now I fetch data in POST format like this: But I need response like this: { "status": 200, "message": "Success", "device_info": { "_id":…
1 answer

CouchDB Design Doc...Save Failed: Expression Does Not Eval To a Function

So I'm trying to create a design doc in CouchDB and there's a slight problem. This is for a robotics team scouting system. The design doc is supposed to check if a user has the role "marea". If they do, then they are allowed to input a document into…
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1 answer

How will one implement like and dislike counts, for a post, in Couchdb/Couchbase

How do one implement live like and dislike [or say views count] in couchdb/couchbase in the most efficient way. Yeah one can use reduce to calculate count each time and on front end only use increment and decrement to one API call to get…
Anurag Vohra
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