Questions tagged [correspondence]

39 questions
1 answer

How do I write correlation coefficient manually in matlab?

The following is a function that takes two equal sized vectors X and Y, and is supposed to return a vector containing single correlation coefficients for image correspondence. The function is supposed to work similarly to the built in corr(X,Y)…
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1 answer

How does the Matlab function corr(X,Y) work internally?

I know that the function corr(X,Y) computes the correlation coefficient between pairs of columns in two matrices X and Y. I am having a hard time understanding how this function works under the hood. Could anyone help me to understand what matlab is…
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How to check if the values in an array correspond to values in a cell array

I have a cell array called grnPixels of size (1 x 40), where each individual cell has an M x 1 vector array of numbers where M is variable. I also have a single vector array called redCentroid of size N x 1. I want to check if the values in…
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Calculate 2D-3D correspondences using opencv

I work on 2d image point and 3d model point correspondences. Firstly, I use below code : cv::Mat cameraMatrix(3, 3, cv::DataType::type); cv::setIdentity(cameraMatrix); std::cout << "Initial cameraMatrix: " << cameraMatrix <<…
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Orange correspondence analysis widget

Can anyone tell me how to use the Orange correspondence analysis widget? I have a table of 11 columns of data with a first column of row names. I have tried to select the data using select attributes widget and connecting to the correspondence…
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Is the Reduction function a correspondence?

I'm studying Computability and Complexity and i came out with a doubt. The Function that reduce a problem to another one is Turing-Computable. I was wondering if its even a one-to-one function ( a correspondence) since looking,for example, to the…
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CCA Analysis: Error in weighted.mean.default(newX[, i], ...) : 'x' and 'w' must have the same length

I'm very new to R and this might be a very silly question to ask but I'm quite stuck right now. I'm currently trying to do a Canonical Correspondence Analysis on my data to see which environmental factors have more weight on community distribution.…
Edu VO
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Sift implementation in Opencv 2.4.6 ubuntu

I am trying to compute correspondence between 2 images and am actually interested in the number of correspondence points, rather than the correspondence themselves, so that I can sue it to get the best match image. This is my following code : …
Lakshmi Narayanan
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R kmeans data points

I am using the following to perform a kmeans analysis: km = kmeans(mat2, centers = 4) I have also plotted the kmeans analysis using library(fpc) to get a visual as follows: plotcluster(mat2, km$cluster) Here is the result: Each row of mat2…
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