Questions tagged [convolutional-neural-network]

257 questions
1 answer

Im not getting correct accuracy for convolutional neural network

I'm not getting output on dog vs. cat classification problem. I have used dataset from kaggle to classifiy dog and cat, I have used Adam optimizer with learning rate of 1e-3, It is not giving the desired accuracy.the model is based on convolutional…
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Is it advisable to use three separate channel in a RGB image to extract feature with CNN?

I am trying to extract features from CIFAR10 dataset using autoencoder. But it's not giving good accuracy when I use those features. Should I try to use grayscale images or Continue with RGB images?
2 answers

Why YoloV3 has very poor detection rate in testing?

I trained YoloV3 for object detection. I trained to reach Avg Recall: almost 1.0 for all images in the batch and Avg IOU is above 0.9. But when I go for testing with images (but they are very similar to those trained images) not included in…
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Result of a prediction in CNN

I am working on the following link How do I know that “one” in “result[0][0]” is the prediction of a “dog” and…
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Image pre-processing for convolutional neural network

I want to make mushroom classifier with tensorflow using CNN. But, I wonder about image data pre-processing. Should I remove background of picture as black color or just use raw picture? Also, if any pre-processing step before cnn what I do, please…
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"The name 'y_pred:0' refers to a Tensor which does not exist. The operation, 'y_pred', does not exist in the graph."

I've defined y_pred, still, it's giving this error. Any kind of help will be good. with graph.as_default(): # Input data tf_train_dataset = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, image_size, image_size, num_channels),name =…
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What exactly is a Softmax output layer?

I'm trying to make a simple conv net in c#, and I want to make a Softmax outputlayer, but I don't really now what it is. Is it a fully connected layer with Softmax activation or just a layer which outputs the softmax of the data?
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Keras convolutional net classification adding 1D extra feature possible?

I have built a successful convolutional net using Keras classifying certain brain activity from the EEG. I would however like to improve it by adding an extra feature of which we know it is predictive of this brain activity; age, which is of course…
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python keeps crashing whenever CNN model is being trained

I am really looking for your help. I have GTX-1070 which is 8vram. I downloaded tensorflow-gpu, cuda 9.0, cudnn 7.0 for cuda 9.0. and everything works fine with DNN. GPU is also working fine. but whenever I try to train any model that has to do with…
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How to extract activation from CNN layers using tensorflow?

I want to extract the neural activation from the Fully connected layers. In Caffe i was doing like this net.blobs[layer_name].data How can i do the same in tensorflow?
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How to reject false alarm in object detection using SSD?

I used SSD for my object detection. But there are some false detection from some other objects in the image. That is happening consistently from same objects. So is there a way to reject those components in training?
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Normalization method for Convolutional Neural Network

There have three common image data normalization methods, which are 1. X = (X - X.mean) / X.std 2. X /= 255. # (based on formula: (X - min) / (max - min) which can converge data into [0, 1].) 3. X = 2 * (X - min) / (max - min) - 1 # converge into…
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Prediction using Keras

I learned to implement an image classifier from a code which i got from a post and it was very helpful,but i don't know how to predict on an image.I tried but its giving a Value Error.I am still a beginner Keras Code:- from __future__ import…
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Open source tools for implementing machine learning algorithm on FPGA

Is there any open source tools/programs available for implementing machine learning algorithms like CNN on FPGA fabric?
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Setting train array dimensions for face recognition for python

I'm trying to find an equivalent code for python to set the following dimensions that I set in R: dim(train_array) = c(28, 28, 1, ncol(train_x)) train_x is a matrix of 28 by 28 resized (grey scale) olivetti face images digitized into 784 (28 * 28)…
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