Questions tagged [console]

A mechanism for interacting with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks

A console is an interactive text-mode or text-based user interface to a software application or operating system. It may be implemented as a character-mode application or embedded in a graphical user interface.

It may be used as the main user interface or as a secondary interface for debugging and administrative tasks. The degree of interactivity varies widely between consoles.

12712 questions
2 answers

Python get raw_input but manually decide when string is done

I want someone to type words in the console, and autocomplete from a list when they hit "tab" key. However, raw_input won't return a string until someone hits [Enter]. How do I read characters into a variable until the user hits [Enter]? *Note: I…
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Not able to remove Google App engine Service from the admin console

How to delete Google app engine services from admin console which was added through developer email login. After paid google hosting now I am not able to login with developer email account Its now only allow with the email account which I open for…
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console.log is not working in Android 2.1 emulator

I'm running one web application... in an Android emulator browser. In one javascript file I'm trying to output some string as: console.log("android"); But I didn't got this log using adb logcat. I even tried to start adb logcat firstly and then…
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1 answer

How does Facebook put this formatted text in JavaScript console?

By opening JavaScript console on Facebook it warns you not to put anything there, to be safe from scam. This seems a very good counter measure against "make your victim do the work for you" attacks. How do they do this?
Ákos Nikházy
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1 answer

Determine if the system can instantiate QApplication (GUI support)

My program can run on a server with no GUI, or on a desktop. When it runs on a system that can display GUIs I want to instantiate QApplication, and when it is on a server I want QCoreApplication. If I instanciate QApplication on a server, it either…
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How do I obtain longer iOS console logs out of Xcode 6?

I'm trying to provide console logs to apple to illustrate what happens when I experience a certain error on an iPad (not related to application crash logs, need console logs). The error occurs on production iPads that we have in the field, but the…
Bob Arezina
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1 answer

Console output appears in the wrong order

I'm using win 8.1 64bit Eclipse Luna 4.4.0 and compiling with gcc 4.6.4 and the problem is e.g. in this simple program, my printf and scanf statements are appearing on the console in the wrong order. #include #include int…
2 answers

where are output from console.XXX gets logged when using nodejs with opsworks?

I am new to AWS Opsworks. I have successfully deployed an app which was earlier being deployed through elastic beanstalk. The application is running, but I cant find any file where its console.log outputs are being saved. I have grepped all files…
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4 answers

rails console on openshift

I deployed my rails application to openshift it works well but I cannot run 'rails console' on production server. It gives me this error. How can I solve this? I tried to update rubygems but it also gives permission denied error and I couldn't make…
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2 answers

Detect authentication attempts from ssh/console from an application for linux

There is a task to detect successful and unsuccessful login attempts from a linux C++ application. What is the best way to do it? I've only found 2 ways: 1) Check /var/logs/secure by timeout 2) Use inotify on /var/logs/secure But there is an…
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3 answers

.NET Console TextWriter that Understands Indent/Unindent/IndentLevel

Does anybody have or know of a TextWriter for the Console that understand how to indent/unindent and has the ability to set the indent level.
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3 answers

Clear the console in Java

I have a class extending the Thread class. In its run method there is a System.out.println statement. Before this print statement is executed I want to clear the console. How can I do that? I tried Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cls"); // and "clear"…
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5 answers

.Net Program with both WinForm and Console Interfaces

I have a simple question and I'm sure it's been answered, but I can't seem to find the solution I'm looking for. My basic question is that I've created a console app in .Net that runs automatically on a task scheduler every day, but now my clients…
John Bustos
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3 answers

CodeLite - Console runs but code is not working

I just installed CodeLite 6.0 in two of my PC's, however in both of these computers I get the same issue: I am able to build and run the project, but when the console starts running all I see is: This is my code: #include int main(int…
Daniel Mejía
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1 answer

How to show console output on webpage?

When I go to websites like Codecademy or JSBin, I notice that they allow you to see console output. How does that work? Just to clarify, let's say a user types this in a textbox console.log('hello'); How can I make the output on the actual web…
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