Questions tagged [connected-react-router]

connected-react-router allows the binding of the react-router state with the redux store.

Developer documentation and resources:

84 questions
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While using connected-react-router, router reducer isn't found

This is my store.ts import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'; import rootSaga from 'sagas'; import rootReducer from 'reducers'; import { history } from…
2 answers

How do you pass ":" in a URL without referring to a dynamic value in React?

The problem is that when you want to introduce a dynamic value to a url is that you have to use ":" to refer to it. For example, let's say I have a list with a lot of users and I add a button to get more info about them, and I want the URL to have…
1 answer

How to use connected-react-router's push within unit tests

I want to update the URL that is stored in my redux store by connected-react-router during testing, because some of my logic depends on that. When I dispatch a push, the actions gets logged (I was able to verify that using a logger middleware), but…
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Redirecting during fetch epic with redux-observables and RxJS

I have a fetch Epic that may return a 401 or 403 if the user doesn't have access to a server-side resource. I want to redirect during this Epic if this is the case. Right now I'm doing this: export const fetch$ = (req: IRequest) => …
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I need some help migrating from react-router-redux to connected-react-router

I am trying to upgrade my existing codebase and moving from react-router-redux to connected react-router. Couldn't find much resources on migration, however this has helped me significantly. I am unable to find any resource on how to get access to…
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Why do and not trigger updates of state.router in connected-react-router?

After looking around at the various packages to combine redux with react-router, it looked as though connected-react-router was the most popular actively supported choice. I configured it pretty much exactly as in the docs, with one exception…
Nat Kuhn
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dispatch push changing url but not rendering component

So basically i am doing a post request for login and upon success i want to dispatch the response and redirect the user to profile page. So dispatch the response works fine but upon doing dispatch(push('/profile')); the URL changes but the profile…
Nick Bb
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1 answer

connected-react-router app updates url but not components

I've double checked all the tutorials and FAQs but I can't seem to figure out where my problem lies. Full example here: Some code of interest below. Help appreciated! export const…
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Issue implementing ConnectedRouter with react-router v4 upgrade

I upgraded to use react-router v4 (rr-v4) and read that react-router-redux has been deprecated and for rr-v4 to use connected-react-router. In doing so I now get the following error: The prop location is marked as required in ConnectedRouter, but …
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connected-react-router and office-ui-fabric-react

Related post on Github Currently I have a hard time using the two libraries in my react-redux app correctly. My codes look like: index.js import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { ConnectedRouter } from…
1 answer

Navigating history/time travel in react-redux using connected-react-router

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or examples in how to implement time travel on a single-page react-redux app using connected-react-router. I just want to be able to program links to go back to step1 or step2 once I'm on step3 or step4 and…
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Can't get Connected React Router set up properly

I'm trying to update to connected-react-router while updating all my React, Redux and Router versions. I am having trouble with the root reducer and store creation. The previous reducer code that was working was... const appReducer =…
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No location change upon connected-react-router push() from within the react-redux connect()

Dispatching the push action which was defined in mergeProps parameter of the react-redux connect() dispatches redux action but does not trigger url page change. I also wrapped the withRouter around the redux container but no seems to…
Stephen Isienyi
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I'm getting this error after upgrading react, redux versions

I've updated react versions. And jumping from react-router-redux to connected-react-router. Providing package.json file below. mostly it's happening after upgraded react latets version. So getting following error. index.js:31 Uncaught TypeError:…
0 answers

How to mange language in connected-react-router and history

Imagine I have structured my aplication like below: ReactDOM.render(
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