Questions tagged [conditional-comments]

Conditional Comments are a feature of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. They allow a web page to check the browser version.

Conditional Comments are a feature of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. They allow a web page to check the browser version.

See the various articles in the matter:

250 questions
1 answer

ie9 allow blocked content conditional comments

I'm having trouble loading gradients in IE9. I generated it using colorzilla which includes an IE conditional comment for deactivating filters, so that IE9's svg component is used instead. When I open up the page in IE9, it renders correctly…
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3 answers

Add CSS classes targeting IE browsers: JavaScript or Conditional Comments?

My goal is to remove IE conditional comments from my documents' , but I recognize that I still need to use ie6,7,8-specific stylesheets (correct me if I'm wrong). For example, these IE conditionals are used by HTML5Boilerplate 3.0: I noticed that this comment is being triggered on IE9 Compatibility mode as-well what was not my…
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2 answers

IE11 Conditional CSS Comment does not work

I have tried several conditional formats as seen in different sites but can't seem to get this to work. Browser version is IE 11.
2 answers

Else in html conditional for ie

I want to load a .css file if the browser is ie8 or lower and other file if the browser is greater than ie8 or other browser (chrome, safari, etc). I've read that ther isn't an else in html conditional. And the answers here always says to use…
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2 answers

Conditional Comments

I am a newbie to UI. I see the conditional comments used to identify the IE browser like They work fine but can…
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1 answer

CSS Conditional Statement

I'm using conditional statements to load css for a specific version of IE or any other browser. For example, let's say I'm targeting IE7. So I'll use this: and I open page in IE (9) I naturally see the text "Random text". Everything is ok. If I use: I am pretty sure the code is the same regardless…
Doug Hill
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