Questions tagged [compositionroot]

CompositionRoot is a pattern coined by Marc Seemann in his book "Dependency Injection in .NET". It defines how to use dependency injection in applications.

19 questions
0 answers

Ninject and Xamarin iOS: How to inject dependencies into instances that are created by framework

I'm trying out Ninject in my current Xamarin (iOS) project, which uses Storyboards to create the user interface. The problem is that UIViewControllers are created by the framework, not by Ninject. So I'm injecting the dependencies with…
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1 answer

Is there a Windsor extension point or general IoC technique for dealing with a primitive dependency needed in many scenarios under one root?

Background I have a number of services that are implemented by components that depend on a connection string to be created - for instance: public interface IImportantRepository { ... } public class ImportantRepository { public…
1 answer

caliburn.micro, Bootstrapper and CompositionRoot

I'm trying to understand what CompositionRoot is about. Right up to now I never found a deep description of what it is about, only short statements of what shall not be done. Is the Bootstrapper that comes along when leveraging caliburn.micro…
Mare Infinitus
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2 answers

Would it make sense to have an XML configuration file per module for DI?

I’ve been reading about DI and the composition root. I’ve read in the article that only the application should have a composition root, not the libraries. But let’s assume i have a reusable package with some interfaces and their implementation. I…