Questions tagged [com]

Component Object Model (COM) is a component technology from Microsoft, featuring remoting, language independence and interface-based programming. For questions about the COM serial port, you should use the [serial-port] tag instead.

Component Object Model (COM) specifies an architecture, a binary standard, and a supporting infrastructure for building, using, and evolving component-based applications.

Some of the core features of COM are:

  • A remoting infrastructure
  • The use of interface-based programming
  • A threading model
  • The ability to write language independent components.

COM is the foundation of technologies such as OLE, ActiveX and COM+.

COM predates .NET and although .NET has replaced some of the features that developers use COM for it is still a crucial technology and the foundation of most inter application communication on Windows.

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11749 questions
2 answers

unresolved external symbol _CLSID_VdsLoader

I'm trying to write a program that can manage the harddisks/volumes/partitions in a Windows system. It seemed like a good idea to use Windows' Virtual Disk Service to accomplish this. I wrote a bit of code to try it out, but when linking it I get…
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2 answers

Iterating over Word Document Fields using ComAutomationFactory in Silverlight 4

Update: This is a confirmed bug in Silverlight 4 beta. I solved this issue by switching to a full blown WPF application and using regular old…
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2 answers

Long type in C# Programmed COM Object Shows as Unsupported Variant Type in VB6

I have a DLL programmed in C# which I am converting into a COM object for use in a VB6 application. Have have several methods and properties defined as long type which, when accessed in VB6, end up showing as "Unsupported variant type." Then I…
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1 answer

How to obtain a list of available COM interfaces in Windows

Is there any way of obtaining a list of registered COM interfaces on a windows machine, with GUIDs? Before anybody thinks this isn't related to programming, I need this data in order to reference a COM interface in F# (or C#) for interfaces that…
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3 answers

Out of Memory errors - tool for finding classic ASP memory leaks?

I am getting Out of Memory errors in classic ASP, probably where attempting to access data. For example: Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03e9' Out of memory (some file) Line 0 These errors only happen once in a while and they keep…
mike nelson
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6 answers

What does `Exporting a function from a DLL` mean?

I don't know much about dlls. I'm reading a book on COM. In which author is referring to something Exporting a function from a DLL. He tells how to do that but he doesn't tell what is it or why it should be done? The method he suggests is: a) mark…
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0 answers

JACOB java lib, running ActiveX object get error Catastrophic failure when calling function

I'm trying to use an ActiveX COM object library ocx to control a camera in java. I've try to use JACOB lib to call the lib but I got the following error calling any function or even a put: run: The Library been loaded, and an activeX component been…
william pagnon
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1 answer

Is there any purpose of ComDefaultInterface for a COM Callable Wrapper?

What is the purpose of ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute attribute, if the managed object with ClassInterfaceType.None is marshaled as either IUnknown or IDispatch, anyway? Consider the following C# class AuthenticateHelper, which implements COM…
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1 answer

Instantiating class with parameterized constructor from COM

Is it possible to call the parameterized constructor with COM? I am going to create an instance of C# class which has parameterized constructor with COM. Now it raises the Memory Excpetion. so I am not sure about instantiation of C# class carrying…
2 answers

Does a COM object get released by the CLR when the thread that created it terminates?

I have been unable to figure out how to search for confirmation on this suspicion, but I am seeing evidence that a COM object created on one thread is no longer available to other threads (COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW…
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2 answers

How to add methods to a class without changing the COM+ Class ID

I am writing some code in a dll that must conform to certain specs. One of those, is that it can only use the methods, enums, classes, etc that it currently has. The specification of all one method is enforced by an application that I "submit" the…
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2 answers

Handling CoCreateInstance return value

Here's a code sample creating a COM object: CComPtr pFilter; auto hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DMOWrapperFilter, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, reinterpret_cast(&pFilter)); I've seen somewhere that checking if…
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2 answers

Passing NULL to ref/out parameter of a COM interface method

How to pass NULL to a parameter of a COM interface method if it is defined like [In, Out] ref int pchEaten? For example, consider the following interface: [ComImport, Guid ("000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] [InterfaceType…
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0 answers

Can't get IID_WebBrowser2 on windows

I have this code and it not works: template STDMETHODIMP CFBControl::SetClientSite( IOleClientSite…
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1 answer

Best method of calling managed code(c#) from unmanaged C++

We have developed a s/w architecture consisting of set of objects developed in C#. They make extensive use of events to notify the client of changes in status, etc. The intention originally was to allow legacy code to use these managed objects…
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