Questions tagged [codesniffer]

This tag is for questions having to do with the PHP_CodeSniffer PEAR package from Squiz Labs, which is used for static analysis of PHP code.

The PHP_CodeSniffer tool is a PHP PEAR package for static analysis of PHP code, developed and maintained by Squiz Labs.

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231 questions
1 answer

JS Lexer to detect function calls

In order to localize strings used within my javascript, I want scan all my js files for such strings. I am using a t() function to request string translations as follows: t("Hello world"); or with dynamic portions: t("Hello @user", {"@user":…
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1 answer

Find string rule in PHP_CodeSniffer

I wish to scan files for the string Firebug, but this is not enought. I also wish to make a difference between QFirebug::log and QFirebug::error static methods. How I can I extract the method name after the class name ? public function…
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1 answer

Any way to ignore `Missing file doc comment` Yii2 using PHp Strom?

How i can remove the error so i don't have to add file tag before namespace and class tag for after name space namespace backend\controllers; use common\models\helpers\Frontend\DropdownHelper; use common\models\Lookup; use…
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2 answers

Include Excluded rule

I want to include the PSR12 ruleset (which includes the rule "PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps") but I don't want that rule to run on a specific file. so I tried the following ruleset:
2 answers

View source code and sniff images with PHP?

I would like to implement a PHP web page that, given a certain URL, is going to sniff some images from that page. Do to so, I need : 1) to access the html source-code of that page and find out the URLs of the images I want. 2) to download these…
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1 answer

PHP_CodeSniffer: How to reset line length on newline?

I've made a custom standard because my coding style is far from anything anyone would call normal. In fact, I reject about 90% of what many people consider good standards as whitespace spam. That being said, I do think that if I'm going to use a…
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