Questions tagged [cmsamplebufferref]

72 questions
0 answers

A video with QuickTime play no sound, with VLC play on the sound

First I use AVCaptureSession capture vedio and audio from camero and micophone. Then delegate method code below: - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer…
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Writing silent CMSampleBuffer causes crash: CrashIfClientProvidedBogusAudioBufferList

i'm recording Video/Audio using AVAssetwriter and want to be able to write silent Sample Buffers. I'm not that experienced in CoreAudio, so i'm having trouble coming up with a working solution. The idea is to keep recording video when an audio…
1 answer

CMSampleBufferGetSampleTimingInfo: No duration?

I have a live stream, and CMSampleBufferGetSampleTimingInfo gives a duration with CMTime(value=0, timescale=0) for video. For audio, I get 1024 samples at once, but CMSampleBufferGetSampleTimingInfo(sampleBuffer, index, &timingInfo) gives the exact…
Stefan Kendall
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1 answer

Get current video duration from CMSampleBufferRef

How can I get current recorded video duration from CMSampleBufferRef in delegate method - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection…
Malik Boy
  • 134
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1 answer

Video stream in AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer doesn't show up in screenshot

I've been using the new Video Toolbox methods to take an H.264 video stream and display it in a view controller using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer. This all works as intended and the stream looks great. However, when I try to take a screenshot of…
Olivia Stork
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1 answer

Scale and crop CMSampleBufferRef

I am using AvFoundation & AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate to record a video. I need to implement Zoom functionality in the video being recorded. I am using the following delegate method. - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput…
0 answers

Video Capture : Frames Discarded in ios 6

I am using AVFoundation framework to encode a video with AVCaptureSession. The Video and Audio are recorded and saved into the camera roll successfully in ios7 (iPAD) but not in my ios 6 (iPOD TOUCH) The following code adds the sample buffer to the…
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Need help in video calling app for iOS

I am creating a simple video calling app where audio/video will stream from one device to other but problem is I don't know how video calling works especially how to get going with it in iOS . Until now I have captured video by using…
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Does exist something like cvShowImage for iOS?

I'm processing images (using AVFoundation and OpenCV on iOS) and I want to simply display contents of CMSampleBufferRef (or IplImage) to screen. Simply: I just want to display (like with OpenCV's cvShowImage()) non-converted image to see if I'm not…
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2 answers

AVFoundation image captured is dark

On osx i use AVFoundation to capture image from a USB camera, all work fine, but the image I get is darker compared to live video. Device capture configuration -(BOOL)prepareCapture{ captureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; NSError…
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How could save the CMSampleBuffer to a CFArrayRef (or other container) that from didOutputSampleBuffer

I tried to save the CMSampleBuffer from didOutputSampleBuffer, as the iOS developer docs, I copy it in CFArrayRetainCallBack like blow: static const void * ObjectRetainCallBack(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) { CMSampleBufferRef…
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I am unable to convert this objectiveC code into swift

1.I am converting a reverse audio function of objective c into swift so that I can integrate the swift code into my program but these few lines of codes are not understandable 2.This is the following objective-c code: CMSampleBufferRef sample; …
Nishad Arora
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