Questions tagged [clr4.0]

57 questions
3 answers

About csc.exe, is it necessary to learn?

I am an intermediate programmer and these days I've been analyzing the CLR, my question is what is the need to learn all the commands of c# command line! It's so boring. is it necessary?
Diego Pacheco
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1 answer

How to late bind a CLR 4.0 assembly from a 3.5 project?

The title is self-explanatory of what I want to accomplish. I have a COM-visible component built in 3.5 and my new projects are 4.0. Code very similar to the one below is what I want to run from the 3.5 component. Assembly a =…
Michel Triana
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1 answer

.Net object Life cycle\lifetime vs unmanaged code

I am trying to understand how objects are created in a .Net world as oppose to that in an unmanaged code environment (VB6 etc) From what I understand, when an object is created in lets say C# by using the new keyowrd, the reference variable is…
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How can DebugDiag analyse a dump file without having matching debugging dlls

I am getting following error when trying to analyze a dump file. 0:000> !threads The version of SOS does not match the version of CLR you are debugging. Please load the matching version of SOS for the version of CLR you are debugging. CLR…
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NullReferenceException throw by CompletionPortCallback

My applicatiion is crash twice and the stacktrace as below: Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.NullReferenceException Stack: at…
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2 answers

Decentralized Task Scheduling Techniques in .NET

I have been trying to learn more details on CLR 4.0. and the ThreadPool and the different strategies that Microsoft recommended. I consider myself fairly up-to-date on a lot of these topics, and use threading and concurrent code on a daily basis. I…
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1 answer

Get latest .NET framework directory

How can I get the latest .NET CLR Install location ? [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() is returning the 2.0* location even when the 4.0* is installed.
1 answer

Lazily create rich text box on WPF form and set caret to correct location

I am having prohibitive performance issues with WPF's RichTextBox on WPF forms. So what I trying now is to replace all rich text controls with TextBlocks, and replace the TextBlock with a RichTextBox when the user clicks. To achieve this, I made a…
2 answers

clr version for visual studio 2010

I have only visual studio 2010 in my machine. But, when I look at the visual studio command prompt for "clrver", it shows two versions of CLR are installed in my machine - v2.0.5 and v4.0.3 From this link, I understand only the CLR version v4.0.3…
Deepak Raj
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1 answer

IHostAssemblyStore::ProvideAssembly - Implementation for assemblies from folders

I'm trying to figure out how to load the AppDomainManager assembly in a managed clr hosting scenario from a folder different from the native .exe file. Has anyone done an IHostAssemblyStore::ProvideAssembly implementation, that will load the…
1 answer

linq SelectMany and Regex.Split clr

I have a list of strings, that each string needs to split by a regex, than kept in the same list. List a = new List(); a.Add("big string with a lot of words"); a=a.SelectMany(item=> Regex.Split("\r\n",item)).ToList(); I just want…
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3 answers

Performance differences between automatic propreties and normally declared propreties. True or False?

Is there any difference between auto-implemented properties and manually implemented ones, from a performance point of view?
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